God Of War New Trailer Features Leviathan Axe Of Kratos

God of War Leviathan Axe

Game company PlayStation recently released a new video featuring a weapon from the new God of War. This new weapon is the Leviathan Axe that Kratos wields in combat.

God of War new axe trailer explained

Creative director Cory Barlog explained in the new video that the new Leviathan Axe is an idea that he originally pitched a while back. He emphasized that the blades that Kratos wielded in the past were iconic. He can throw the axe at his enemies, and he can use it in other ways.

The hero can call the weapon back to his hand, which is its best mechanic. The idea is similar to Marvel’s Norse god Thor, which was the ability to call back the mighty hammer Mjolnir. Since the game is set in Norse mythology, the fits the inspiration of the game.

Check out the Leviathan Trailer below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi7uHVbOnjI&w=1280&h=720]

Check the official website here.