Former Xbox Marketing Head Albert Penello recently posted on his official social media account about his ideas on the price tag for the upcoming next-generation console PlayStation 5.

In a recent Twitter post, Penello forecasted that the price for the upcoming PlayStation 5 will not be over $499. He has been in the industry for a while now and has overseen several marketing strategies for the Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. He also thinks that the price tag for the next-generation consoles will be the deciding factor for this generation’s console war. He even thinks that the price will be the deciding factor even more than the video game exclusives.
Many have speculated of different factors that would decide the winner of this generation’s console wars and one of those is the price. Some say it has always been down to the exclusives, others say the specifications of each console. Some even say it is all about the different variations the next-gen console systems will have.
Do you think the price of the next-gen consoles will be the deciding factor of what wins this console war? Will the PS5 have a price tag of below $499?
Thanks GameSpot!