Game developer Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA recently revealed the new Apex Legends Champion Edition.

The new Champion Edition will include a lot of contents including the base game and the later add-ons that was released until now. It has all characters up to Season 7 instantly unlocked, which makes it easier for players to choose the Legend that fits their game style.
The Champion Edition will feature over $100-worth of exclusive cosmetics like the Legendary skins and a Legendary gun charm with a thousand Apex Coins.
The Champion Edition can be purchased on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Origin on PC or get a download card from retailers for only $39.99. Check out the full contents below:
The Champion Edition
- 9 character unlocks (all Legends up to Season 7):
- Caustic, Mirage, Octane, Wattson, Crypto, Revenant, Loba, Rampart, and the Season 7 Legend
- 7 Exclusive Legendary items:
- “Risen Queen” Wraith skin
- “Forged Knight” Revenant skin
- “Hallowed Spirit” Crypto skin
- “Curse of the Awaken” Triple Take skin
- “Slayer’s Lancer” Flatline skin
- “Jaded Myth” Sentinel skin
- “Emperor Nessy XIV” Gun Charm
- 1,000 Apex Coins
The new trailer features all of these and also an upcoming mysterious new Legend that looks like a female character basing from its poise.
Source: Official Website
Check out the trailer here: