Game company Krafton has recently announced that update 10.2 for popular battle royale game PUBG is now available on all platforms.

The start of Season 10 added the season exclusive map called Haven. This is the game’s most dense Battleground to date. With 10.2, it supports the next eSports event PGI.S, introduces a new reputation system, a new vehicle, and updates to Ranked Mode.
Check out what’s new here:
- Returning Feature (Pick’Em Challenge): The Pick’Em Challenge returns for PGI.S, which gives players the opportunity to guess the winners throughout PGI by using voting coupons. Players can obtain voting coupons by watching the broadcast or buying exclusive PGI.S items. Players who guess the winners correctly will be rewarded with EP, which can be redeemed for even more exclusive PGI.S items. 30% of sales from the PGI.s items will be added to the announced $3.5 million USD prize pool.
- New PC Feature (PGI.S Livestream Screens): In support of PGI.S, ten in-game displays have been added to the PC version of the game in various spots around Erangel and Miramar, live streaming PUBG’s global premier esports event straight to everyone. PGI.S will be the first event live streamed directly onto these displays. When the stream is offline, the screens will display PGI.S trailers.
- New Feature (Reputation System): A new reputation system has been implemented that designates whether a player is well-mannered or toxic towards others. A reputation level will be displayed in the Team Finder and team member list next to the player’s names. Reputation levels range from zero to five, for a total of six levels. Players reported with negative behavior (obstructing gameplay, verbal abuse, team killing, etc.) may lead to decrease of reputation level.
- New Vehicle (Coupe RB): The latest update introduces the Coupe RB, a vintage sports car with a blazing top speed of 150 km/h, making it second (on land) in speed only to the Motorbike. Try out the Coupe RB today on Erangel, Miramar, and Sanhok!
- Ranked Mode Update: Ranked Mode penalties are being updated to allow for a certain amount of safe time if your team is never fully formed. Leaver penalties will be waived for players who are still alive and leave within five minutes after the plane takes off if the player.
Source: Press Release
Here’s the trailer: