Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 Not to be Directed by Tetsuya Nomura

Final Fantasy Remake

Lead Director Tetsuya Nomura has recently announced that he will not be directing upcoming video game Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2.

The task now falls to his Co-Director, Naoki Hamaguchi. He was the one who co-directed the last game. Nomura will instead take on the role of creative director this time around. At least he has not fully abandoned ship the FF7R development.

Nomura revealed the reason for him leaving the director’s chair is due to his involvement with different projects. In order to balance this, he has left the task to someone who already knows the inner workings and that is Hamaguchi.

With part 1 already successful, this would be the perfect time for Nomura to leave the sequels to others like Hamaguchi. Hopefully, part 2 would still have the same high-quality content that everyone loved in the first one.

Aside from that, Square Enix has not shared any news in regards to part 2 so fans are a bit worried. At least with the big announcement last night, they would be satisfied of that.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is now available on PlayStation 4. FFVIIR: Intergrade will launch on PS5 on June 10.

Source: Famitsu translated by Audrey