Good news for those wanting to play the Resident Evil Village final demo, but could not get their schedules synched.

Game company CAPCOM has recently posted on the official Twitter account of the franchise that they have heard the feedback of the players and to answer, they are doing something great for everyone. They are going to extend the availability period for the final 60-minute multi-platform demo. This is for both the village and the castle playthrough.
Instead of just the 24-hour window that starts on 5PM PDT May 1, this has now been increased by a week. It will now end at the same time on May 9 PDT.
Players can now enjoy both the village and castle demo playthroughs. They can either focus on each location or be fast enough to try out both. From my experience on playing for both, it was an interesting and exhilarating demo playthrough and would like to try it out again.
ICYMI, fans are warned of spoilers as early copies of the game got leaked, which means videos and posts with them might appear soon.
Resident Evil Village will launch on May 7 for PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. The Final Demo will be available on the same platforms as well.