Three Flip Studios has officially released the first of a series of videos aimed at highlighting their development process surrounding their upcoming title, “Armed and Gelatinous.” The small indie team, consisting of three friends that met in college, wants their fans to play the game-jam winning prototype for Armed and Gelatinous now, and has therefore decided to release it to the public for free via Indie DB and their personal website.
The first episode gives a behind-the-scenes look at exhibiting Armed and Gelatinous at GDC 2015 in San Francisco and highlights the team’s experience promoting the game. The game’s full development cycle will be documented through a series of upcoming videos to be released on the heels of real time via their new Youtube channel.
The team is also very excited to announce that academy award winning sound designer Jory Prum will be working on sound design tech for Armed and Gelatinous. His vast experience and broad skill-set will allow Armed and Gelatinous to showcase its full auditory potential.
Keep an eye out for the Armed and Gelatinous expo demo release and be prepared for some fast-paced four-player couch-comp action! Also be sure to check out the recently-launched Kickstarter Campaign for up-to-date news about Armed and Gelatinous and Three Flip Studios.