Toushiro Hitsugaya Freezes His Way into Bleach Rebirth of Souls

Daiguren Hyōrinmaru

Toushiro Hitsugaya Freezes His Way into Bleach Rebirth of Souls Featured Image

Another new character trailer for Bleach Rebirth of Souls has emerged. This week the trailer focuses on one of the most serious-minded captains of the 13 court guards and that is Toushiro Hitsugaya.

Toushiro Hitsugaya is the captain of the 10th squad and youngest captain in history thanks to his unrivaled ice Zanpukto, Hyorinmaru, that allows him to freeze and take the initiative in battle. His known skills make him a formidable ally and when backed into a corner, he unleashes his Bankai, Daiguren Hyorinmaru, which transforms his body into an ice dragon that freezes and slows down his opponent’s movements.

Bleach Rebirth of Souls is set to be released soon on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (via Steam). For more info about the game check out their main website.
