Among Us Getting Attacked with Spam Messages

Several players have recently reported that their gaming session of popular video game Among Us was spammed with unwanted messages.

Image credit to Eurogamer

Players of the popular video game have recently gotten in-game chats spammed with messages telling them to subscribe to a certain YouTube channel. Some of the messages were even threatening saying that the account they are holding was hacked or they threatened to “kill” the device if they did not subscribe to the channel. This was quite alarming to everyone and had to report this to the developers. There were even messages related to Trump slogans.

Game developer InnerSloth is aware of the spammy messages and did an emergency server update to combat this issue. There is currently no public lobby to use, but players are encouraged to use the private lobbies and play with friends that they trust so that they would not be interrupted for now.

Eurogamer has reached out to Eris Loris and interviewed him briefly about these attacks. He claims that this is just a publicity stunt and he just wants this for the laughs. He has already gotten a lot of death threats but he doubts they will come true. He also admits he is a Trump supporter.

Among Us is available on PC and mobile devices.

Former News Editor