Game company Ubisoft has released the newest title update patch notes for popular video game Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Title update 1.1.1 will land on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PS4, Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games Store, Google Stadia, and Amazon Luna soon today. The update file size varies depending on the console. Check it out here:
- Xbox Series X|S: ~7.5 GB
- Xbox One: ~6.6 GB
- PlayStation®5: ~2 GB
- PlayStation®4: 2-3 GB (depending on region)
- PC: ~6.45 GB
Here are the patch notes. Warning, it is quite a long read:
Ubisoft Connect Achievements are here!
Added in-game support for Ubisoft Connect achievements to the game.
- Unlock conditions for Quest-related or not-repeatable achievements:
- Achievements where unlock conditions have been met will pop when the player completes a new quest.
- Unlock conditions for Countable/repeatable achievements:
- Achievements will pop whenever the player performs an achievement-related action past the unlock condition.
- The Animus Pulse will now highlight dead bodies for necessary situations only.
- Enemies can no longer be auto looted using the Throw Weapons perk.
- Tweaked AI detection when using disguise while dodging or while being in-air.
- Added a reward to the Death Stranding homage.
- Quivers and rations will now refill when upgrading them while they are depleted.
- White dots hinting at rations/adrenaline/arrow loot beyond interaction range will no longer be displayed when the player has max quantity already.
- Players will now be able to use “Wake up” at any time while in Asgard. Previously you had to complete the first quest.
- Daily quests will now reset whenever the game detects that it’s not possible to continue or restart the quest. The quest may then be reactivated at the informer.
- Added Text-to-speech to letters found in-game.
- Added previews to color-blind and subtitle options.
- Tweaked damage dealt and received values for the Lost Wolf boss encounter to reduce friction when playing on Drengr difficulty.
- Rebalanced initial damage dealt with Harpoon Impalement Lvl 1 / 2.
Game Improvements
Performance and Stability
- Improved performance and stability.
Graphics, Audio, Animation
- Addressed various graphics issues.
- Addressed various clipping issues.
- Addressed various NPC animation issues.
- Addressed an issue that caused dummies to jitter when hit with a poison arrow. *shake it off*
- Added some electricity to Mjolnir before picking it up
- Addressed an issue where war cries would repeat or loop oddly.
- Addressed an issue where blowing the horn and starting to move with left foot forward could sometimes makes Eivor’s feet glide.
- (Photo Mode) Addressed an issue where zooming in on children with the Photo Mode camera would distort their face.
- Addressed an issue where some Raven skins could be low res.
- (PS4) Optimized some textures on PS4.
- Addressed a texture issue near the Cicestre Abbey that caused players to desync when walking over the texture.
Quests, World Events, Side Activities
- Addressed an issue in Legend of Beowulf where the clue marker would remain after it was investigated.
- Addressed an issue in A Sticky Situation where the NPC would sometimes not spawn.
- Addressed an issue where the player could get stuck fishing in The Baker’s Plaint.
- Addressed an issue in Fishing Lesson that under certain circumstances prevented players from completing the world event.
- Addressed an issue where players are stuck after pledging to Lincolnscire after returning from Vinland.
- Addressed an issue where players could get stuck in a boss fight during A Cruel Destiny. *Ah yes, A Cruel Destiny, indeed.*
- Addressed an issue where some treasures wouldn’t be at their location or couldn’t be looted. (Grandbridgescire, Hamptunscire, Oxenefordscire, Eurvicscire)
- Addressed an issue where players could receive an Online Service Error when trying to save.
- Addressed an issue where players got blackscreen after building the blacksmith.
- Addressed an issue where players didn’t receive Storming the Walls after completing Severing the Lines.
- Addressed an issue in To Serve the Light where Hytham would get stuck on the boat when randomly shooting arrows into the water.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with Settlement NPCs.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from completing Clues and Riddles.
- Addressed an issue in the Absence of an Ealdorman that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue where the quest objective marker was pointing to a wrong destination in The Devil Has All the Best Tunes.
- Addressed an issue in War Weary that prevented players from completing the quest when Ceolbert was accidentally killed.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from starting the Daughters of Lerion encounter. (Goneril, Cordelia)
- Addressed an issue in Binding Fate that caused the boss to be stuck on a rock.
- Addressed an issue where Estrid could get stuck in Taken.
- Addressed an issue in Pluck the Quill where players would sometimes be unable to interact with Aelwyn.
- Addressed an issue in Binding Fate that caused the boss to be stuck underground when using Dive of Valkyrie.
- Addressed an issue in Price of Wisdom that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue in The Boar with the Golden Nose where the boar would sometimes disappear under certain circumstances.
- Addressed an issue in Bleeding the Leech where Erke would be at the wrong location.
- Addressed an issue in Of Blood and Bonds where the players couldn’t complete the quest or couldn’t report back to Randvi.
- Addressed an issue in The Prodigal Prince that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from completing the Old Cellar mystery.
- Addressed an issue in A Rivalry for the Ages that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue where the Mari Lwyd disguise would not disappear after finishing the Glowecestrescire Arc. *everyone liked that dot jpg*
- Addressed an issue in Road to Harmatia that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue where Knud could become stuck in A Little Problem.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with Ubba in Sons of Ragnar.
- Addressed an issue where Basim was in a fight with NPCs before the start of Puppets and Prisoners.
- Addressed an issue in Brewing Rebellion that prevented players from force-opening the door to the longhouse in Buckingham.
- Addressed an issue in Bridges of Oppression that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue in King Killer that prevented Ivarr to reach the door to Rhodri’s Room
- Addressed an issue in A Fiend out of Hell that prevented players from examining one of the cows.
- Addressed various misplaced textures or objects.
- Addressed several instances where the player could become stuck.
- Grounded a floating boat in Vinland.
Gameplay, Combat, AI
- Addressed various NPC behavior issues.
- Addressed an issue where NPCs would sometimes return to a location they fled from that is still being raided.
- Addressed an issue where whales would sometimes start their fleeing behavior mid-air.
- Addressed an issue where Archery was blocked with M and K holding the SHIFT key.
- Addressed an issue that caused players’ line of sight to be blocked using incendiary or Poison traps with the predator bow.
- Addressed an issue where guards would sometimes not react with hostility to watching Eivor burn members of their faction with oil jars. *I- uh nevermind. Moving on.*
- Addressed an issue where NPCs could be killed by throwing corpses at them in Vinland.
- Addressed an issue that removed Bjorn from the ship crew.
- Addressed an issue with the Mentor’s Set where the gear perk sometimes didn’t activate even though 2-4 set pieces were equipped.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from controlling the raven when Q or E buttons were assigned to one of the move actions.
Abilities, Perks, Skills
- Addressed an issue where some ranged special abilities could incorrectly be used with guided arrows.
- Addressed an issue where one NPC would not leave Eivor’s side when Feign Death was used.
- Addressed an issue where several abilities wouldn’t work against hostile dogs.
- Addressed an issue where Man’s Best Friend would not unlock after completing the quest A Little Problem.
- Addressed an issue with the Mentor’s Set where the gear perk sometimes didn’t activate even though 2-4 pieces of the set were equipped.
User Interface / HUD
- Addressed various UI/HUD issues.
- Addressed an issue where the arrow quantity could remain stuck at 12.
- Addressed an issue where UI language changes weren’t applied during combat.
- The camera will now be closer to the character when browsing tattoos in the Animus Store.
- Addressed an issue where color-blind previews would sometimes not be displayed in the menu.
- Addressed an issue where color-blind values weren’t applied to the Order of Ancient menu.
- Addressed an issue where a blank box would appear in the Completed Quests list.
- Addressed an issue where fall damage could be negated by opening the menu right before hitting the ground.
- Addressed an issue where Auto Loot didn’t work when an enemy was stun finished.
- Addressed an issue where the Raculf Monastery couldn’t be raided.
- Addressed an issue where some icons were missing for newly acquired God Favors.
- Addressed an issue where In-Game news sometimes wouldn’t load correctly.
- Addressed an issue that caused players to receive incorrect items when purchasing Vegvisir (Front) or Muninn (Front) schemes.
- Addressed an issue that allowed players to acquire duplicates of Asgardian ship schemes.
- Added a respawn point just before the boss fight in Extended Family.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from fast traveling after 1.0.4.
- Added force trigger feedback to bow shooting for Xbox/PlayStation controllers.
- (Stadia) Addressed an issue that caused the time on the save not to reflect local time.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Google Stadia, and PC.
Source: Reddit