Kadokawa anime productions announced the airing date of Date A Live Season 4 on their Youtube Channel. According to the main website, the official airing date of Date A Live Season 4 will be on April 2022.
What is Date A Live IV?
“Date A Live IV” is the fourth season of the anime “Date A Live” series based on the novel by Koshi Tachibana. Gokawa Shido, a high school student, confronts the spirits that are considered to be a threat to humankind by “making them go on a date.”
As an additional cast, Hitomi Nabatame will play the role of Nia Honjo, and Akari Kageyama will play the role of Rokuku Hoshimiya . The opening theme is Miyu Tomita “OveR” and the ending theme is sweet ARMS “SOS”. In the PV, the character voices of Nia and Rokuku and a part of the opening theme are shown.
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