Game company Epic Games has recently announced that it is still going to continue its fight against Apple with a new EU Antitrust complaint.

The new complaint is just the latest of Epic Games efforts to fight for fairer digital platform practices for developers and consumers. It alleges that a series of carefully designed anti-competitive restrictions were in place against them by Apple. They claim that it has not just harmed but also completely eliminated the competition in app distribution and payment process.
There are now three complaints, this one today and two others filed in the US and Australia.
“What’s at stake here is the very future of mobile platforms.” Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney said today. “Consumers have the right to install apps from sources of their choosing and developers have the right to compete in a fair marketplace. We will not stand idly by and allow Apple to use its platform dominance to control what should be a level digital playing field. It’s bad for consumers, who are paying inflated prices due to the complete lack of competition among stores and in-app payment processing. And it’s bad for developers, whose very livelihoods often hinge on Apple’s complete discretion as to who to allow on the iOS platform, and on which terms.”
Epic Games is apparently not seeking damages from Apple in this EU complaint. They claim to want a “fair access and competition that will benefit consumers and developers.”
Source: Official Website