Exoprimal Dino Crisis Content to Happen ‘If There’s Enough Demand’

Mega Man crossover could also happen.

CAPCOM is interested in making Exoprimal Dino Crisis crossover collaboration “if there’s enough demand.”

Exoprimal Dino Crisis Crossover Can Happen

Exoprimal Game Director Takuro Hiraoka recently spoke to Siliconera in an interview talking about the game’s possible Dino Crisis DLC. He stated that he could eventually see content from CAPCOM’s classic dinosaur-themed video game Dino Crisis. It could happen, but there are conditions.

“Leviathan is the type of entity that will go to any means to collect a variety of useful combat data,” Hiraoka said. “If there’s enough demand from players, Leviathan very well could make this a reality.”

CAPCOM did state that the game will be getting a series of CAPCOM Collaboration content after launch and that starts with Street Fighter DLC during its second season in autumn 2023. Later in season 3, Monster Hunter will be the DLC.

Mega Man Might Happen

Hiraoka was asked what other content he would like to see in the game. “I think it would be a lot of fun to have a collaboration with the Mega Man series, which I’ve been playing since my younger days. The idea of going head-to-head with monsters from the fantasy world of the Dragon’s Dogma series personally excites me as well.”

If CAPCOM had the courage to get Street Fighter, Mega Man is entirely possible.

Exoprimal is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor