Game company Square Enix recently announced that popular MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online is collaborating with Final Fantasy XI Online with its event The Maiden’s Rhapsody: Memories of an Unseen Realm.
Starting today until June 22, FFXIV Online players will be able to join the collaboration in-game event with the task of aiding Remumu, a reporter for the Harbor Herald. She is focused on her latest story, but she needs help from brave adventurers that could become her bodyguards while she investigates. Players who will join this event can unlock the exclusive Amatsu armor set, which was actually worn by FFXI Onilne heroine Iroha.
The full armor set consists of:
- Amatsu Hachigane
- Amatsu Togi
- Amatsu Tekko
- Amatsu Haidate
- Amatsu Sune-ate
The event can start by travelling to the Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks and speaking to Remumu. The quest’s name is A Journey to Remember. Please take note that players need to complete the content because they cannot repeat this ever again.

Source: Press Release