Game company Square Enix has officially released the newest mount and minions for popular MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV.

Way back in February 2021, Square Enix promised that there will be FFIV-themed items and now they are all here. Players can now get the FFXIV Lunar Whale mount and three Minions that are inspired by the famous characters from FFIV. These are all on sale right now as part of the FFXIV Fan Fest. The best part is that they are available for every account so all characters can use them easily.
For the Lunar Whale mount, it is now $35.70, but it is normally $42. It will net players the Lunar Whale Identification Key and can hold eight people.
The FFIV Minions, Edge, Rydia, and Rosa are now $5.94 instead of $6.99. The minions are just there to be cute and follow the players around. There is a minigame that makes them fight though.
Final Fantasy XIV is now available on PlayStation 4, PS5, and PC.
Thanks Siliconera!
Check out the Lunar Whale mount here: