The latest Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer Live revealed the official details of upcoming Myths of the Realm Raid.
Producer Naoki Yoshida shared the official details of the upcoming new raid that will appear via patch 6.1. This was first announced in June 2021 but now more information was discussed.

Together with the release of patch 6.1, the first part of the Myths of the Realm raid will arrive. There have been some images that showed where the raid will take place. There was one image that showed several statues of white stone guarding a mysterious tower.
According to the new details, the Myths of the Realm raid will be a whole new content with an original unique story. Compared to previous raids that were based on popular games like YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse, this new one will be purely based on Final Fantasy XIV. There will be no collaboration with other IPs published by Square Enix. It will specifically focus on the Twelve, the deities of Eorzea in FFXIV.
Final Fantasy XIV is already available on PC, PS4, and PS5.