From all those praises of Naughty Dog’s latest release when the reviews had hit the worldwide web, Uncharted 4 apparently had a score of 94 out of 100 on Metacritic from all 88 critics. Naughty Dog’s most successful and final installment of their Uncharted franchise, The Washing Post has published their satire review of Uncharted 4. Reviewer, Michael Thomsen, said in his review “A Thief’s End is less a conclusion to Nathan Drake’s story than an affirmation of the inconclusive wreck it has always been“. But apparently, according to this is part of their Comic-Riff section.
This satire review was also linked to the review aggregator — — with a score 40 out of 100 (based on a 4 out of 4 from The Washington Post) which was nowhere to be found.
Our review of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is still on the works and will be out earliest by May 15 or soonest, May 16. We take our time into knowing what the game really offers and how it has made our reviewer feel about the game. And so far, I’m really impressed with the Uncharted 4. Some graphical glitches that can be overlooked by some due to its compelling story and how the visuals of Uncharted 4 can make you say “whoa” or “wow”.
What do you think of The Washington Post’s review of Uncharted 4? Was it totally a satire review? Or do you agree with the reviewer at some point? Let us know in the comments.