Square Enix and Luminous Productions have now announced that Forspoken delayed again.
Forspoken Delayed to Next Year
The most awaited and anticipated new IP from Luminous Productions has now been delayed for the second time. According to the developers, Forspoken has been delayed after they talked with their key partners and made the strategic decision to move the launch date. It will now release next year, January 24, 2023.
Game Elements Completed
Luminous Productions has assured the fans that all of the game elements have been completed already. The only thing that the development team is working on is the game’s final polishing phase.
Packed with Games Late 2022
Some speculate that since this is a strategic decision to delay the game, it just means that Square Enix is prioritizing other games first and trying not to launch all of their games later this fall 2022. The new IPs might not get noticed as other familiar titles will be the center of attention. This could be a good decision of their part in order to scatter the launch of their games.
The studio thanked the fans who are continuously supporting them and are very patient with the release. Hopefully, there will be no other delays after this.

Forspoken will now launch on January 24, 2023 for PS5 and PC.