Ghost Recon Breakpoint Finally Gets AI Teammates Soon

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Project Titan

A new update will be coming for video game Ghost Recon Breakpoint and it will finally introduce a feature that many players wanted from the start.

Fans of the game will be able to enjoy AI teammates, which was missing since day one of the game. Many fans were disappointed at that time with Ubisoft, but now all of that is changing.

In reality, Ubisoft was working really hard on making the AI teammates work in the game since social interaction was not really favored by the gaming community. The fans wanted a more RPG-focused gameplay, which is why they asked Ubisoft to add AI teammates. The company delayed it for a while, maybe because it was really hard to implement until the announcement today.

Ubisoft is now confident that with the upcoming title update 2.1.0, which will be released sometime in mid-July. Also, 2.0.5 will now be combined with 2.1.0 due the delays made by the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from AI teammates, the update will include a lot of new features like new Gunsmith updates, fixes for PvP and PvE, and more.

The game is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Official Blog

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