Gundam Evolution Trailer Features Marasai and Exia Gameplay

Exia and Marasai gameplay!

Bandai Namco Entertainment recently released the newest Gundam Evolution trailer featuring two mobile suits that will be added during the scheduled closed network test on PC.

Gundam Exia and Marasai (UC) are the two mobile suits being showcased here in this new trailer with their gameplay and gimmicks. These will be available to play during the upcoming scheduled closed network test on PC on April 8 to April 12, 2022. It also showcased Gundam Exia and Marasai’s skills and weapons.

gundam evolution

From the trailer, the Marasai (UC) uses the Fedayeen Rifle as its main weapon for ranged attacks. It is a rather specialized long rifle that can hit targets from quite a distance. It also uses the G-Maneuver and Skill Sea Snake with Shock ability. It can pull its opponents towards it from a short distance for a big advantage in close quarters. It can also pull the Marasai away from dangerous situations.

Gundam Exia has a rather unimpressive main weapon, which is the GN Beam Dagger instead of its short rifle from its GN Blade. It can be used to finish off weakened enemies from a distance. Its large GN Blade however is no joke as Gundam Exia can close the distance and easily break enemies with the melee weapon. Its G-Maneuver and Skill is Trans-Am, which can increase its speed significantly and can close the distance in seconds. It should have a downside though, but the trailer does not show this.

Gundam Evolution launches worldwide for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2022 as free-to-play. There will be a closed network test on PC this coming April 8 to April 12, 2022.

Former News Editor