Is Sargon the Real Prince in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown?

Answering the question of Sargon's royalty with the help of some lore

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Sargon

In Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, the main protagonist is Sargon, a young orphan who grew up as a warrior and proven himself worthy of belonging within the elite group of warriors known as The Immortals. Unlike in the previous games where the protagonist was the crowned Prince of Persia himself, The Lost Crown seems to have broken off from that format with Sargon. But are players really just playing as an actual commoner-turned-warrior, or is Sargon really the true Prince of Persia?

Read ahead as we go through the clues that point out Sargon’s real heirdom in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Be warned, there will be spoilers up ahead.

Playing through the story, players will learn that Sargon was an orphan trained and taken in as a protégé by Anahita, one of the Persian commanders. Sargon then managed to get into The Immortals by proving himself worthy of the title to its members, especially to Vahram, with his skills and bravery.

Later on in the story, the twist is then revealed: Vahram is actually the true heir to the throne of King Darius, thus being the real Prince of Persia, and it was Queen Thomyris herself who ordered Prince Ghassan’s capture for reasons that we will try to explain with our best assumptions later on.

After the ultimate fight with Vahram, Vahram sacrifices himself to undo the destruction he caused, and Sargon manages to bring Prince Ghassan back to Queen Thomyris. However, after learning the truth, Prince Ghassan lets go of his royal status and Sargon reveals to the public that the it was the Queen who murdered King Darius.

Simply playing through the main story of the game will only leave Sargon’s story and past at that. But, there are two side quests that provide crucial clues which point out that Sargon is also an heir to the throne and he is actually a prince: Prophecy of Mount Qaf and The Impossible Climb.

In Prophecy of Mount Qaf, Sargon must find spirited-sand jars which hold fragments of the prophecy linked to Mount Qaf. This prophecy tells the events that happened and will happen in Mount Qaf, but most especially, it tells the story of the Three Princes. Though this prophecy does not tell any names, the three princes that it refers to are Vahram, Prince Ghassan, and Sargon.

Fates decree a king’s murder unstoppable.
The God Simurgh disappears from the skies.
Powers stolen.
Time shattered. A world cursed.
Only then will the story of the princes begin.

A boy thought dead but resurrected,
Anger simmers in silence.
Another raised a pawn.
The third, a prince born in secret.
Only one can cure the curse of Mount Qaf.

Three princes raised with secrets and lies.
An endless time of war.
A strong woman hides her tender heart.
While another craves legacy of power.
As Persepolis weakens a scheme is made.

Cursed winds blow across the battlefield.
Two princes stand Immortal…
Pawn prince taken against his will.
Loyalties tested.
Dark hearts revealed.

Within the realm of broken memories,
These three lives entangle.
Powers gained, powers lost,
True selves revealed.
Fate marks one prince to die.

Chaos of time unlocks a second chance.
A final battle sees the hero-prince slain,
Then the Simurgh is gone forever.
Celestial judgment passed: the Cosmos will collapse.
The vengeful prince will be king of all gods.

In The Impossible Climb, Sargon meets a Hermit in the Upper City who seems to recognize who Sargon is, even commenting that he has held him in his arms when he was an infant. After completing this side quest, the Hermit gives Sargon the Collectible – The Third Son in which the Hermit wrote his experience as Queen Thomyris’ personal doctor and the events that led to his exile to Mount Qaf.

The Hermit reveals that he was the one who personally took care of the Queen’s three sons. The first two sons died young, one got poisoned and one succumbed from fall injuries. When the Hermit held the third son, he felt that he was different from his brothers, even saw him fit as a future king. However, after his return the following morning, he noticed that the infant was now a different child. After questioning the Queen about this, the Hermit was then sent out to be imprisoned at Mount Qaf.

With these clues from these side quests, it’s safe to conclude that Sargon is also the real prince of Persepolis and of Persia, as much as Vahram was since they were actually half-brothers both being sons of King Darius. It is also known from their history that only those that are in the line of the royal family are worthy to be blessed by the Simurgh, hence why Sargon can wield the Time Powers that came from the Simurgh.

As for the Queen’s motive as to why she she ordered Prince Ghassan to be abducted, it was all part of her plan to not only fully usurp the throne of Persepolis, but to tie up loose ends by having both Prince Ghassan and Vahram be trapped in Mount Qaf’s curse.

It can only be assumed that the Queen knew that the Vahram she sees as an Immortal was the same Vahram that was the son of King Darius and that he’s out to kill the fake prince. But it can also only be assumed that she did not know that Vahram also gained time powers that which would have allowed him to escape Mount Qaf, making her plan a failure, not to mention that Sargon was also still alive and that she would not get the Simurgh’s blessing anyway due to her bloodline.

Staff Writer