Game company Konami has announced that popular video game Metal Gear Solid V online feature for the PS3 and Xbox 360 will have its servers shut down soon.
Konami recently updated on the official website saying that the game’s servers on these particular console systems will be gradually shut down. Fans who have stayed will still have some time to play around before it will be out of commission.
Some of the servers’ functions will be turned off gradually like today, Konami will shut down the Purchase System. By November 2021, the DLC will no longer be available for purchase and finally by May 31, 2022, the servers will be fully shut down permanently.
September 1, 2021 marks Metal Gear Solid V’s sixth anniversary, making it quite an old game already and still being played on PS3 and Xbox 360 till this day. The old gen’s player base is not that large anyways, so it was time to retire the servers for good. It was the right time.
No news on when the PS4 and Xbox One servers will be shut down, so there is still that avenue to play on. With its player base still massive on both console systems, it will most likely still live on due to its popularity.
To clarify, Metal Gear Solid V can still be played offline on PS3 and Xbox 360. Only the online aspects will be removed completely on May 31, 2022.