Stage 5 is a secret location in My Friendly Neighborhood. Reaching Stage 5 is no straightforward task, as it requires a couple of puzzles to be solved along the way, but the effort is rewarded with a very powerful weapon that can help Gordon get through the night.
Read ahead as we go through the steps on how to reach Stage 5 in My Friendly Neighborhood.
How to Get to Secret Stage 5 Walkthrough

Before trying to find Stage 5, it’s recommended to progress through the story first and get both the Red Diamond Key and Green Triangle Key which can be obtained in the MFN Studios Offices and Public Park, respectively.
Get the Safe Code
With the Reel #3 on hand, head back to the Projection Room and place the reel on the third projector from the left, and then press button #3. This will project a film that shows a masked man working on a safe’s dial. The numbers and direction that are shown on the film are 7 counterclockwise – 12 clockwise – 4 counterclockwise.
Use the Safe Code
Travel back to Stage 4 and make your way back to the Grip & Camera Dept. to find a red diamond door. Open it, then head to the left to unlock the door leading back to the Prop Dept. Go to the right where you will find the door to Set Storage. Inside the Set Storage is a safe where you can use the code on.
Turn the dial according to the code to open the safe, and you will get the Star Fuse, a note for the Breaker Box, and some ammo.
Open the Door to Stage 5
Head back to Ray’s Basement and make your way back to the Breaker Box. Take out the fuses inside the box, then place these fuses in order from left to right: Spade – Star – Diamond – Heart. Once everything is in place, the door to your left side will be unlocked and you will then get access to Stage 5.
Find the Gems/Get The Conclusion Minigun
Inside Stage 5, you will see an island set with some few puppets. Your objective here is to find three Gems that unlock a treasure chest.
Go to the path on the left first through the arch, then turn right where you will find the Green Gem.
Retrace your steps and then go climb the stairs and head towards the sword on the ground where you will find the Red Gem.
Finally, head inside the cave where you will find the treasure chest. Behind it is a barrel that has the Blue Gem.
Insert all three gems on the treasure chest to open it, and you will get The Conclusion which is a powerful minigun that fires a rapid succession of bullets which can clear enemies in no time.