Game studio Team Ninja has released the newest patch for video game Nioh 2 The Complete Edition on PC.

The newest patch, version 1.27, is only small in size with a few fixes and tweaks for the PC version of the game. It does, however, introduces a much-sought feature that many fans on PC wanted to have on day one. They finally implemented it this time around, which was adding support for keyboard and mouse input icons.
Check out the full patch notes below:
■Additional Features
・Added support for keyboard & mouse input icons
This setting can be switched via “System” ⇒ “Keyboard & Mouse Settings” ⇒ “Control Icons”
■Bug Fixes
・Fixed an issue which prevented Burst Counters from being used against certain enemies’ Burst Attacks when “Frame Rate Cap” was set to 120
・Further improvements have been made to address the issue of frame rate degradation when “Effect Quality” is set to “High” in “Graphics Settings”
・Shadows are now enabled in cutscenes even when the “Shadows” setting in “Graphics Settings” is set to “OFF”
・Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the fog in stages to appear brighter than expected
・The screen resolution of 1366×768 can now be selected when the desktop resolution is 1360×768
・Changed the settings in “Keyboard & Mouse Settings” ⇒ “Key Configuration” for camera operation via mouse in “Photo mode”
・Fixed an issue where some effects would not display in the cutscene, “A Summons to War”
・Fixed an issue that occurred with facial expressions while using the “Dragon Ninja” Transformation
・The window menu is no longer included in the image data copied to the clipboard when posting character creation settings on Twitter
・Other minor bug fixes
Nioh 2 The Complete Edition is now available on PC via Steam.
Source: Steam