Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! And Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Revealed

Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu title

Game developer Game Freak and publisher The Pokemon Company recently revealed two new Pokemon games: Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! And Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee.

New Pokemon games crossover mobile game

The two new video games will set players back to the first-generation region of Kanto. Some familiar features from the Pokemon Go game will be included in these games like catching Pokemon. They will have to use the Joy-Con’s motion functionality to do that.

The best part of this crossover is the ability to transfer Pokemon from the mobile game to the two video games. More details of the transfer process will be divulged at a later time.

New PokeBall-stylized controller

The game will be compatible with a new PokeBall-stylized controller called the PokeBall Plus. Players can use it in each title, but it can also be used as a Pokewalker.

Update: It is confirmed that there is no actual battle for wild Pokemon. Players only battle against trainers and join tournaments.

Check out the trailer below:

Source: Official Website

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