New PS5 Ad Teasing Fans of New Uncharted Content or Game

Could be a sign that someone is really making a new game?

Sony has recently released a new PS5 ad that could have teased fans of a new Uncharted game or content.

The new promo video titled Live from PS5 features various PlayStation games being shown in live-action news reports. These reports reenact some of the scenes from games like Gran Turismo, the Horizon series, God of War, and more.

One of the clips shown in the video had a rather interesting detail. No one knew what game it was based on since it was new. It featured a young woman in a cave with a torch in her hand. Another clip showed her blowing off dust from a certain item which looked to be an old artifact.

The two clips were the only ones that were unrecognizable unless you know something about the ending of a certain game.

The video was featured on the official PlayStation blog with details about the ad. It said: “This new spot hints at the breadth of extraordinary experiences taking place in the PS5 universe through the style of a live news channel. See if you can spot all the game references.”

This meant that all of the clips shown in the video had game references and if it is from a franchise coming from PlayStation then it would not be Tomb Raider. This would mean the clips were based on Uncharted. At the end of Uncharted 4, Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher had a daughter named Cassie who found their relics from past adventures. Nathan then shared their adventures with her.

If that were the case, the young woman featured in the live-action report would probably be Cassie looking for treasure. Unfortunately, her face is not shown in the clip so we do not know for sure if it was her.

There is one snag though. Naughty Dog, the developers of the Uncharted series, has revealed that they are done with it already. Co-President Neil Druckmann clearly said that they are “moving on” from it and possibly with The Last of Us series too.

Is that Cassie?

That does not mean Druckmann’s statement officially confirms the death of the series. Other studios have developed one or two of the Uncharted titles like Bend Studio who did Uncharted Golden Abyss and Bluepoint Games for the remasters from Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection. It could be possible that one of the developers from the PlayStation Studio will take up the task. We might just get a new Uncharted title in the future.

Former News Editor