CAPCOM officially announced the Resident Evil 4 release date and shared new details.
Resident Evil 4 Release Date
The official release date for the upcoming remake of Resident Evil 4 will be on March 24, 2023. It will be available on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S. Players who have the PS4 version of the game can upgrade to the PS5 version for free.

Combat Improved and Expanded
Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi revealed some new details about this new remake. First he revealed that combat in this new version has been expanded. The Ganados are now more cunning with more aggressive tactics that could overwhelm Leon in no time. Leon has upgraded to with new close-combat moves like using the knife to parry enemy attacks, deliver finishing blows, kick away enemies, and even hold off the deadly chainsaw attack.

Whatcha Buyin?
The Merchant is back with new mechanics for selling, trading, and more. There are new weapons and upgrades to choose from. He also offers some extra tasks and challenges so he can reward players with gems and in exchange for those, he can trade those for weapons and other helpful items.
Attache Case Management 101
Leon’s attache case is also featured which is similar to the original game. Players will have to make use of the limited space in his case, which will force them to choose what is important before a battle.

Collector’s Edition Lookin’ Good!
There will be a Deluxe Edition and Collector’s Edition to purchase. The Deluxe Edition includes additional in-game content like new costumes, weapons, a treasure map, and more. The Collector’s Edition has all the contents of the Deluxe Edition plus a Leon figure, a physical map, an art book, and more.
Pre-Order Bonuses
Pre-order the game to receive in-game rewards like the Attache Case Gold and Special Charm Handgun Ammo. Pre-ordering the Deluxe and Collector’s Editions will net players with Attache Case Classic and Special Charm Green Herb.

Resident Evil 4 launches on March 24, 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam.