European Sony WWS Head Boasts Best And Broadest Game Lineup

European Sony Worldwide Studios Head Michael Denny recently stated that not only do they have the best video games in the market today, but also the broadest.

Sony sells over 79 million PS4 units

While the PlayStation 4 sales have slowed down a bit, it is still a fact that Sony is the leader of the race in terms of the best-selling console of this generation. It is a fact that they have already sold over 79 million units since March of this year.

There are several video game exclusives to thank for that like, for example, God of War. Denny also stated that the upcoming lineup of PS4 games is not just only the best, but also the broadest. This is thanks to features and hardware like PlayLink and PlayStation VR.

To offer all of the different experiences for the community

Denny said that they want to be inclusive and offer video games for all of their players. All of the triple-A games will be there, but other features like PlayLink are important for them as well. They want to appeal to a mass market, which gives something for the friends and family. They are still so invested in VR, said the Sony head because they want to give their community all of the different experiences that they can.

Source: GameReactor

Former News Editor