Steam Summer Sale is upon us once more, and this time, we meet this sketchy guy named Clorthax who claims that he came from the future. He also says that he smuggled the ten best games from the future back into our time in the hopes of profiting from them big time. In exchange for helping him in this brilliant-yet-scummy plan, Clorthax will give players some special Party Badges for our collection, as well as some other goodies.
In this guide, we will talk about Clorthax’s Party Badge riddles and how to solve them.
How to play Clorthax’s Riddles
Clorthax has hidden the ten games along with the other games that are on sale. These games, as you may have already surmised, are fictional games that are made to look like the usual games that we see in the Steam store. There is a subtle difference that would help tell that it’s one of the hidden games: the price appears as CL.0R TH.4X.
In order to start collecting Clorthax’s Party Badges, go to the Steam store and click on the banner that says “FREE FUN THIS WAY”. It will then lead you to another page where Clorthax will greet you and tell you about his plan. You can then click on the “JUMP TO CURRENT CLUE” button to see the latest clue for the game.
You will then have to search for the game within the store, and luckily we have the clues to narrow down our search. Once you find the game, you’ll then be rewarded with stuff for your Steam account and your Party Badge will also get upgraded.
We’ll have the games’ names listed out on this guide here, but it appears that you cannot simply search for them through the search bar. So, we have also included the steps on how to find them in the store.
Clorthax’s Game #1: Guitar Billionaire
The first clue goes:
“You’ll find riches in rhythm, and fame in six strings, but beware the tax burden axe mastery brings.”
This clue leads to the game called Guitar Billionaire which can be found in the Rhythm section of the store or you can click on the “GO FIND IT” button below the clue. Thise game can be found in any category after that as the games appear to be tagged in a lot of random subcategories; we first found it under Co-Op, but then we tried to find it again and it appeared under 4+ Player. You’ll just have to scroll through the categories and the game should appear. Take note of the pricing as it will not appear as a normal currency.
Rewards: Guitar Billionaire animated avatar and Steam 3000 Badge Level 1

Clorthax’s Game #2: Custard Castle Small Claims Court
The second clue goes:
“You’ve settled a city and put down your roots, but now can you settle small legal disputes?”
This clue leads to the game called Custard Castle Small Claims Court which can be found in the City & Settlement Builders section. Any category can be selected, and it appears more often under the Resource Management subcategory.
Rewards: Custard Castle Small Claims Court sticker and Steam 3000 Badge Level 2

Clorthax’s Game #3: Bass Ain’t Bitin’ 2022
The third clue goes:
“Sport is the angle, the bait the allure, success the disease, and you are the cure.”
This clue leads to the game called Bass Ain’t Bitin’ 2022 which can be found at the Sports section. It can appear in any subcategory and we found ours in the Basketball subcategory for some reason.
Rewards: Bass Ain’t Bitin’ 2022 avatar frame and Steam 3000 Badge Level 3

Clorthax’s Game #4: Dead Seagull Zoo Magnate
The fourth clue goes:
“Maybe you managed to shut down your rivals, your lucrative theme park’s still dead on arrival.”
This clue leads to the game called Dead Seagull Zoo Magnate which can be found in the Simulation section. We found ours under the Controller-Friendly subcategory.
Rewards: Dead Seagull Zoo Magnate sticker and Steam 3000 Badge Level 4

Clorthax’s Game #5: Actually… Frankenstein’s Monster Edition
The fifth clue goes:
“A know-it-all’s monstrous need to correct you will give you and your friends a lot to object to.”
This clue leads to the game called Actually… Frankenstein’s Monster Edition which can be found in the Co-operative Games section. This one took us a while to find, but we found ours in Casual > Controller-Friendly.
Rewards: Actually… Frankenstein’s Monster Edition sticker and Steam 3000 Badge Level 5

Clorthax’s Game #6: It’s Probably Fine
The sixth clue goes:
“No actions to take or choices to make, this passive adventure prefers that you wait.”
This clue leads to the game called It’s Probably Fine which can be found in the Casual section. We found ours in the Mystery subcategory.
Rewards: It’s Probably Fine animated avatar and Steam 3000 Badge Level 6

Clorthax’s Game #7: Help Get the King to the Toilet
The seventh clue goes:
“Your role in this realm is to guide your king true, to sit on his throne or mayhap on two.”
This clue leads to the game called Help Get the King to the Toilet which can be found in the Role-Playing Games section. This one took us a while to find, too. We found ours in Adventure RPG > Fantasy.
Rewards: Help Get the King to the Toilet sticker and Steam 3000 Badge Level 7

Clorthax’s Game #8: The Consecration of Esthme
The eight clue goes:
“The horror the horror, pretentious explorers, this one’s the father of all arty snorers.”
This clue leads to the game called The Consecration of Esthme which can be found in the Horror section. We found ours in the Adventure > Lovecraftian subcategory.
Rewards: The Consecration of Esthme avatar frame and Steam 3000 Badge Level 8

Clorthax’s Game #9: Pro Poker Amateur
The ninth clue goes:
“This virtual river has a full boat conveyed, two princes that paddle with three little spades.”
This clue leads to the game called Pro Poker Amateur which can be found in the Virtual Reality section. The clue is can be quite misleading at first and we somehow found the game in the Open World subcategory.
Rewards: Pro Poker Amateur avatar frame and Steam 3000 Badge Level 9

Clorthax’s Game #10: Hold In Your Farts
The tenth clue goes:
“If your strategy is to keep me close, I’ll make you think. If your strategy is to let me go, I’ll make a stink.”
This clue leads to the game called Hold In Your Farts which can be found in the Strategy Games section. We found ours in the Grand Strategy & 4X > Open World subcategory.
Rewards: Hold In Your Farts avatar and Steam 3000 Badge Level 10

Clorthax Special Steam Profile
After finding all ten games, Clorthax will reward you with a snazzy special Steam profile.

If you want to start getting these rewards or just shop around for your game collection, head on over to the Steam Store right now.