Wondering how to obtain all of The Last of Us Part 1 Lakeside Resort Collectibles? Here, we’ll show you where to look for every memento you can find as you explore the post-apocalyptic cities of America.
The Last of Us Part 1: Chapter 9 (or Lakeside Resort) is broken up into two parts: The Hunt and Cabin Resort. Read on, and we’ll break down exactly when and where each collectible can be found, from start to finish.
All Lakeside Resort Collectibles Locations
The Last of Us Part 1 Lakeside Resort contains 10 Artifacts, 3 Firefly Pendants, 1 Training Manual, and 2 Comics (does not include any tool upgrades).
The following 8 artifacts and 1 Firefly Pendant will automatically be in Ellie’s backpack when the chapter begins:
- Joel & Sarah Photo
- Switchblade
- Note from Mom
- Walkman
- Sam’s Robot
- No Pun Intended: Volume Too
- To Get To The Other Side
- No Pun Intended
- Riley’s Firefly Pendant
In-game, you can access the collectibles menu by pressing the Touchpad and then using the R1 Button to navigate through the collectibles you’ve found. Ellie will give a remark or observation of some kind when you view them. As such, these are all the other Lakeside Resort collectibles you can obtain in sequence:
- Uncertainty Comic
- Kristof’s Firefly Pendant
- D. Braun’s Firefly Pendant
- Negentropy Comic
- Lake Resort Map
- Smoke Shaping Training Manual
- Meat Ledger

Uncertainty Comic
You’ll be chasing a deer that ends up leading you into an abandoned cabin. As you walk inside, take a left and enter a room.

You’ll find the Uncertainty Comic inside the desk’s drawer by the window.

Kristof’s Firefly Pendant
Soon after you’ve killed a bunch of infected, you and David will be running through a warehouse, and he will boost you up to the catwalks.

Crossing the catwalks to get to David a ladder, a Clicker will appear from a room to your left. After you have disposed of the Clicker, enter the room, and you will see Kristof’s Firefly Pendant sitting on a rectangular crate.

D. Braun’s Firefly Pendant
From this point on, Ellie finds herself being tracked by hunters. Your horse will be killed and you’ll eventually flee into a large cabin.

When you’ve dispatched the initial group of hunters, exit via the front entrance and take the first right; you’ll inevitably come upon a gazebo. Head inside it and collect D. Braun’s Firefly Pendant on the bench to your right.

Negentropy Comic
Once you’ve escaped the cabins, you’ll come to a path where you’ll need to crawl through a pipe.

After crawling through the first pipe, turn around to your left and find a set of stairs. Head up and collect the Negentropy Comic on a bench facing the frozen lake.

Lake Resort Map
The next artifact cannot be found for quite some time. First you’ll take control of Ellie, then Joel, then Ellie, and finally Joel once more.

Once Ellie’s battle with David is over and you regain control of Joel, you’ll automatically have the Lake Resort Map in your backpack.

Smoke Shaping Training Manual
As Joel, you’ll begin your approach through the snow on a street with a gas station to your right and a motel to your left. You’ll inevitably clear out a bunch of hunters first. Once they’ve been dealt, move past the burning barrels (left side of the motel building) and turn left.

You’ll find yourself behind the motel building and a shed. Go near it and open the door with a shive to collect the Smoke Shaping Training Manual inside.

Meat Ledger
Continue making your way through the snowstorm until you can safely slip through a door followed by a cutscene.

Once you gain control, turn to your right and find the Meat Ledger artifact on a shelf by some clothes.
If you like our Lakeside Resort Collectibles Locations guide, check out our other The Last of Us Part 1 articles here.
Also check out CIBI Nation’s Gameplay & Cutscenes in Last of Us Part 1 Remake below, where SARAH & JOEL Evacuate the City: