THQ Nordic Really Wants Alan Wake 2 Physical Copies and Offers to Help

They are possibly in talks now after that offer.

alan wake 2

Publisher THQ Nordic ‘cheekily’ hints at Remedy changing its mind with the digital-only launch of the sequel and is offering help with the Alan Wake 2 physical copy distribution.

Alan Wake 2 Devs Chose Digital-Only Launch for Two Reasons

Just recently after the official gameplay reveal of Alan Wake 2 during the PlayStation Showcase, Remedy Entertainment declared on its Twitter account that it plans to release the game sequel’s launch as digital-only. The developers argued that launching digital would lower the prices from $70 to $60, the previous default price of Triple-A games. The second reason was that a lot of games have already shifted to digital-only and some consoles have versions that can only play digital copies. It did not have disc drives so physical copies would not work. It would be better to just launch the game as digital-only.

THQ Nordic Asking Devs to Change Their Minds

THQ Nordic is now pleading with Remedy Entertainment to change its decision. The publisher hinted at this in a recent tweet which has now racked up a lot of retweets and likes from the community.

“I mean… we did the disc version of Alan Wake for PC back in the day ICYMI” THQ Nordic said in a reply to a recent tweet by @shinobi602.

“And just because ONE person (or company) does not love physical, there is plenty who still do. Give it some thought. We’d love to go at it again! Full circle and all.”

Remedy and THQ Nordic’s Past Relationship

In the past, THQ Nordic had helped with the distribution of the PC physical copies of Alan Wake when it launched. It seems the publisher wants to do it again and possibly this time on all platforms that Alan Wake 2 will launch on. There is still a large part of the community who still loves to purchase physical copies of their games for collection and it would be better to offer more options for players to choose from. Besides, who does not love looking at their games’ cover art and putting them on display?

Possibly in Negotiations Already

Remedy Entertainment has not replied to confirm that it would be working with THQ Nordic in publishing physical copies. Since it has offered to help, it might be in talks already.

Alan Wake 2 launches on October 17, 2023 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor