After the controversial launch of the new-gen console PlayStation 5 all over the globe and the rise of scalpers, some politicians are already taking measures in the UK government to consider a console scalping ban.
In the late 2020, a group of UK MPs recently discussed on banning individuals who are scalping gaming consoles and computer components. This was led by Douglas Chapman MP.
Chapman gave a statement to IGN in regards to the situation:
Given that experts in the cyber industry now predict the issue of scalping to grow across other important goods and services this year, we are looking at presenting a Bill in Parliament so that we can further explore legislative options to protect consumers from this unfair practice.
When asked about the reason for starting this process:
The issue of scalping first came up with constituents contacting me to explain their frustration about being unable to get hold of certain games consoles or computer components pre-Christmas. On investigation we uncovered more details of the unscrupulous practice of ‘scalping’ by automated bots to bulk buy these goods and sell them on at inflated prices.
Chapman now has formally brought forward a Bill to ban gaming console and computer components scalping in the UK. It is now titled the Gaming Hardware (Automated Purchase and Resale) Bill 2019-21. The restrictions applied to console reselling will have similarities to those who would do ticket touting in the UK.
Chapman shared a statement with media outlet Sky News here:
We’ve proposed that a similar legislative process be brought forward to ensure that consumers can purchase gaming consoles and computer components at no more than the manufacturers’ recommended price, and that resale of goods purchased by automated bots be made illegal.
The MP acknowledges that this Bill might not pass at all, but this could be use to force the government to finally take action on the ongoing issue.