How to Defeat a Flux Construct in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Learn the tricks on how to quickly defeat the Flux Constructs in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom Flux Construct cover

Flux Constructs are a type of enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. They are towering Zonai constructs made out of blocks, and they can change their form and attack simply by rearranging the blocks. They are quite intimidating to fight at first, but after learning the techniques, fighting these constructs becomes such a breeze.

Read ahead as we talk about the Flux Constructs and share some tips on how to easily defeat them in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Flux Construct Locations

Flux Constructs in Tears of the Kingdom are commonly found on the sky islands, particularly on circular platforms. They can either be in their tower form or patrolling in their golem form. There are constructs that can be found in other regions, such as the one in the North Lomei Depths Labyrinth.

Flux Construct Attacks and Forms

Flux Construct Attacks and Forms - Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Flux Constructs have different forms that have their own attacks. They randomly cycle through these forms whenever they recover from becoming deconstructed.

  • Tower Form – Only seen when the Flux Construct (I) has not been alerted yet. It scans for any threats around it.
  • Golem Form – It transforms into a bipedal golem. Its attacks are Ground Pound where it smashes the ground in front of it with its fists, and the Stomp where it follows its target around while stomping its feet.
  • Cube Form – It transforms into a 3x3x3 cube and rolls around. Its attack is the Ground Slam where it floats and lands on its target’s location.
  • Platform Form – It transforms into a floating platform. Its attack is the Cube Scatter where it sends out five of its cubes towards its target.

Tips and Tricks To Defeat Flux Constructs

Tips and Tricks To Defeat Flux Constructs - Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

To defeat a Flux Construct, you must hit its glowing cube, which is the only part of its body where it can receive damage from, until its entire health bar has been depleted.

If the cube is still attached to the construct, hitting it once will stagger and stun the construct for a few seconds. Hitting it again will cause the construct to deconstruct and fall on the ground. If it still has health left at this point, it will reconstruct itself to one of its forms, and the cycle continues again.

There are a couple of ways to defeat a Flux Construct, but here are the quickest and best ones.

Deconstruct Flux Constructs using Ultrahand

Deconstruct Flux Constructs using Ultrahand - Tips and Tricks To Defeat Flux Constructs in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The best way to defeat a Flux Construct is by using Ultrahand and picking out its cubes from its body. Once a cube has been separated, it remains inactive until its next reconstruction phase. After taking out around three cubes, it will cause the construct to collapse. It is also possible to take out the glowing cube with a bit more pulling effort. Doing so will instantly make the construct collapse.

This works for every form except for the Platform Form if the construct flies too high from your range.

Ascend during Platform Form

If the construct turns into its Platform Form, you can go underneath it and use Ascend to get on top of it and get an easy hit on its gloving cube.

Sometimes the construct flies too high for your Ascend to work. If this happens, switch to Recall and wait for it to do its Cube Scatter attack. As soon as a cube hits the ground, activate Recall and immediately ride the cube back to the construct like a lift.

What to do with Flux Cores?

What to do with Flux Cores? - Flux Constructs in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Flux Cores are items that drop from defeated Flux Constructs. The type of core that will drop will depend on what type of construct has been defeated (I, II, or III), with more cores fused together dropping from tougher constructs. These cores cannot be picked up and stored in the inventory, but they can be fused with weapons and shields. The best weapons that they could be attached to are the Zonai weapons which synergize with other Zonai weapons or components and get a damage boost.

Staff Writer