Santa Monica Studio’s new God of War is a masterpiece. It not only has a story so intriguing but also has a sight to behold. Here is a collection of screenshots from my playthrough on the original version of the PS4.
You can throw your axe. You can recall your axe.
Chests here are punchable. That’s because Kratos likes to get rough when he can.
Here lies one of the first puzzles of the game.
Not only do you get to punch chests for loot, but also tomb-like chests which contains even bigger loot.
It takes teamwork to climb a metallic chain… righ?
In God of War, you can command your son to attack enemies, just like in real life.
Kratos getting beat up.
Kratos beating someone up.
Kratos beating someone bigger than him.
Kratos asking a troll how to have a body be as built as him. Just kidding.
Kratos bringing home the bacon. Literally.
The window to Aurora’s Kingdom, from Sleeping Beauty. Not really. This isn’t Kingdom Hearts 3.
So poetic, the red leaves reminds Kratos of the bloody past behind him. …Did I do that poetic thing right?
The two’s journey not only made them stronger, but also closer to one another.
Oh my God… I’m back. I’m home. All the time, it was… We finally really did it. YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! AH, DAMN YOU! GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!
…Oops wrong g̶a̶m̶e̶ movie. Sorry.
This creature is long dead before Kratos even came to the island. Poor thing didn’t get to die in Kratos’ strong, manly arms.
Kratos and Atreus finds the boat a great place to share stories, but only when they’re rowing.
The door.
That generic protagonist pose in front of a dead something.