Console exclusivity has always given the PlayStation 4 an edge over the competition. God of War, Persona 5, Marvel’s Spiderman, and etc., have swayed the public over to this Japanese gaming hardware. But what about the next generation consoles? Well from developer Square Enix, you can expect that they won’t be making console exclusives any time soon.
The next-generation consoles will have backward compatibility, so we plan for the time being to make our new titles available for both current and next-generation consoles. It will therefore be somewhat farther down the road that we release titles exclusively for the next-generation consoles.
Yosuke Matsuda
Within this year, Square is releasing the remake for Final Fantasy VII, which will be a timed exclusive to the PS4 for a good year. Xbox and PC users will have to wait until 2021 to get their hands on it. But it seems that this may be the last console exclusive Square Enix is planning for quite some time.
Due to backwards compatibility both consoles from Sony and Microsoft won’t have to worry about being left out anytime soon from Square Enix. Hopefully, we can expect more developers to follow in suit.
Source: IGN, PushSquare