Push Your Family to Enter Steam Early Access

Don't stop that pushing or I'm turning this RV around!

Independent development team Meteor Mug will release their game, Push Your Family, onto Steam Early Access on September 22nd. The game revolves around a family getting on each other’s nerves on several day trips until it becomes less friendly… Once the pushing begins, it won’t stop till one family member is victorious!

Watch the announcement trailer here

Anyone can play!

Arguing with your family has never been more fun! Your family is a colorful party game with wacky family members and slapstick humor. You and your family are on a road trip visiting hazardous road attractions… When the bickering get out of hand, the only way to resolve things is to PUSH YOUR FAMILY!

Push Your Family is a 4 player game that can be played both online or offline. It’s a fun physics- based game that’s very easy to pick-up and play.

Get slap happy with your wacky family! You can wishlist the game on Steam here!

About Push Your Family

Choose between Versus, Campaign, (co-op) or one of the minigames! In Versus, be the last family member to survive by pushing your opponents into dynamic level hazards while scarcely avoiding the danger yourself. While in Minigames, you can play one of many minigames like ‘Quarantine’ in which all family members are infected, but only one person can leave the house… You will need to make your way to the Disinfector 9000 and leave the house without touching any other infected family members! or play classics like ‘Capture the Flag’ where you work in teams or alone, capture others’ flags, and defend your own. And finally there’s Campaign. Your family has planned a road trip, where they have to join forces forces, and be actual family for once.


  • Pick one of the unique wacky family members and push!
  • Fight each other or work together like only a family can.
  • Outsmart your friends with the dynamic level hazards.
  • Customize your experience with cosmetics and map settings.
  • Enjoy custom sounds and music.
  • Travel through the world, discover new places, alone or with friends.

Source: Press Release

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