This is your Destiny 2 Weekly Reset for October 25 2022. The first week of the Festival of the Lost 2022 had a rocky start. Personally, it may have more to do with the tedium of repeating the same activities over and over again to get both Candies and Spectral pages. The grind for season weapons too was cumbersome when compared to getting that Something New last event. But enough with the rants, let’s go over what we can expect for Destiny 2 this week starting on October 25.
But before all that, let’s see what hotfixes Bungie intends to implement with this week’s Hotfix
Destiny 2 Update
- Fixed the Lord of Wolves Exotic Shotgun-related issue where it can apply more damage than intended.
- Implemented a fix for bounties where 100 Bright Dust was being handed out instead of 200.
- Addressed an issue where players cannot transform Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages, blocking progression of the Gone but Not Forgotten questline.
- Fixed a bug where certain shaders may apply textures incorrectly to pieces of the Festival of the mech-themed armor sets. Once resolved, these shaders may display differently on the armor sets
- Addressed an issue where The Forged in Grace emblem does not display its name when players her over it in Inventory.
- Fixed a bug where The Bold Chapalu Sparrow image on the Event Card pop-up displays the item with the incorrect colors.
- Fixed a bug where certain Festival of the Lost weapon reward sources is not properly dropping this year’s updated weapons.
- Addressed an issue where the Angel’s Gleam and Flower Child shader list incorrect acquisition sources when viewed in Collections.
- Fixed a bug where solo flawless dungeon Triumph requirements incorrectly list fireteam flawless completions as necessary, when they should specify solo flawless completions instead.
- Fixed an issue where Iron Banner Eruption was awarding Crucible medals instead of Iron Banner medals.
- Fixed an issue where players were prevented from placing Ships of the Shipstealer relics in the H.E.L.M.
- Fixed an issue where the week-seven Seasonal Challenge “Shaper II” was significantly harder to achieve than other Challenges that are required in order to gain Repute.
Raids and Dungeons
- Fixed an issue where players sometimes didn’t teleport to the reward location after completing the final encounter.
- Fixed an issue where certain raids and dungeons were progressing the Masked Mayhem Triumph for gilding the Ghost Writer Seal.
Gameplay and Investment
- Fixed an issue where Enhanced Repulsor Brace was not stronger than the base perk.
- Fixed an issue where Minderbender’s Ambition “Adept” wasn’t dropping with two perks in the left trait column.
- Fixed an issue where the scope for Arbalest’s Electromagnetic Execution ornament would flicker under some circumstances.
- Reduced the number of Headless Ones needed to be defeated in Haunted Lost Sectors for the One of Many Triumph.
- Manse Macabre ship preview is now brighter
Festival of the Lost Event Card
- Fixed an issue where the purchase button tooltip on the Event Card upgrade dialog was missing the ticket expiration text.
- Fixed an issue where the image and instant reward icon of the Bold Chapalu Sparrow on the Event Card upgrade dialog were using incorrect dyes.
- Fixed an issue where the Automatic Transmission Event Card challenge was rewarding the Mechabre Sniper Rifle instead of the BrayTech Werewolf Auto Rifle.
Destiny Weekly Reset Time
As always, the Destiny 2 weekly reset times are 10 AM PDT for the folks on the West Coast of the US. 6 AM BST for our readers in Britain. And 2 AM JST the following day for everyone in Japan.

Destiny 2 Weekly Activities October 25 – October 31 2022 Overview
This week sees the last of the seasonal challenges to be added to the triumphs tab. Remember, even if you’re going for the season title, there’s still Bright Dust to be gained from certain challenges.
Much like last week, we won’t be having any seasonal story updates. Unless Bungie announces something in the near future, don’t expect anything until the second week of November.
As for this week, players will have a chance to earn additional rank points when taking part in Trials of Osiris matches this weekend. I suggest bringing your fiercest Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost helmet too for maximum intimidation.
Where is Xur? October 28 2022
It’s that time of the week again when everyone in the Destiny 2 community asks the question – Where is Xur?
This weekend Xur can be found hanging around his favorite branch overlooking the Watcher’s Grave on Nessus. Once you’re planet-side, head North along the cliff face, and once you start seeing the roots, go up to reach Xur.
And what’s our favorite agent of the Nine selling this week? Let’s see.
Exotic Gear: (23 Legendary Shards each)
- The Queenbreaker Linear Fusion Rifle (29 Legendary Shards)
- Khepri’s Sting Hunter Exotic Gauntlets (64 Overall, +20 Mobility roll)
- ACD/0 Feedback Fence Titan Exotic Gauntlets (65 Overall)
- Getaway Artist Warlock Exotic Gauntlets
Legendary Weapons: (50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer each)
- Whispering Slab Legendary Combat Bow
- Wolftone Draw Legendary Combat Bow
- Dire Promise Legendary Hand Cannon
- IKELOS_SR_V1.0.2
- Far Future Legendary Sniper Rifle
- Honor’s Edge Legendary Sword
- Night Watch Legendary Scout Rifle
Legendary Armor: (50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer each)
- Holdfast Gloves Legendary Gauntlets
- Holdfast Robes Legendary Chest Armor
- Holdfast Bond Legendary Warlock Bond
- Holdfast Cover Legendary Helmet
- Holdfast Boots Legendary Leg Armor (59 Overall, +25 Resilience roll)
- Holdfast Gauntlets Legendary Gauntlets (62 Overall, +22 Recovery, +22 Strength roll)
- Holdfast Plate Legendary Chest Armor
- Holdfast Mark Legendary Titan Mark
- Holdfast Helm Legendary Helmet
- Holdfast Greaves Legendary Leg Armor
- Holdfast Grips Legendary Gauntlets (62 Overall, +21 Mobility roll)
- Holdfast Vest Legendary Chest Armor
- Holdfast Cloak Legendary Hunter Cloak
- Holdfast Mask Legendary Helmet (64 Overall, +20 Resilience, +23 Intellect roll)
- Holdfast Strides Legendary Leg Armor (64 Overall, +20 Strength roll)
Destiny 2 Weekly Challenges October 25 2022
Freebooter II – Open 15 Expedition bonus chests and chests from Master Ketchcrash. Also, spend 150 Plundered Umbral Energy at the Star Chart to focus engrams throughout the Season.
Shaper III – Level 2 Seasonal Shaped weapons to Level 20.
Thunderlight – Defeat 150 targets with Arc or Stasis Supers. Combatants defeated in Ketchcrash and Expedition, and defeated Guardians will award bonus progress.
EDZ Activities – In the EDZ, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.
Intended Mischief – Acquire the Vanguard ornament for Cry Mutiny.
Destiny 2 Nightfall This Week October 25 2022 – October 31 2022
The Featured Nightfall for this week will The Disgraced. A classic strike that many First Light players remember, this mission sees us taking on Navota and the Hive for the final time.
Nightfall weapon this week

This week’s Nightfall exclusive weapon drop will be the Militia’s Birthright. With the right rolls, this grenade launcher can easily stun a champion. Killing them, however, is a different matter altogether.
Destiny 2 Crucible Featured Game Mode October 25 2022
Team Scorched will be the featured game mode for this week in Destiny 2. Pick up your scorched cannons and lead your shots perfectly in order to dominate this chaotic team-based mode.
Trials of Osiris Bonus Ranks

Trials of Osiris returns this Friday and with it, comes bonus rank points for all PvP enthusiasts for the rest of the week.
Destiny 2 Featured Raid and Dungeon October 25 2022 – October 31 2022
This week’s featured Raid is the Vow of the Disciple. Rhulk, disciple of the witness beckons the Guardians to their demise. Also, the Pit of Heresy is the week’s featured Dungeon. One of Destiny’s earliest dungeons, this takes puzzle-solving and platforming to near-comical levels.
And as usual, completing these featured content will reward you with pinnacle gear.
Vow of the Disciple Raid Challenges
Swift Destruction – Done during the Acquisition encounter, it asks the players to kill all Champions at the same time (within a few seconds from each other), on all rounds.
Base Information – Done during the Caretaker encounter, it requires the players to only pick up one(1) stack of Knowledge (Glyph) per run.
Defenses Down – Done during the Upended encounter, each player can’t kill more than one Taken Knight in total.
Looping Catalyst – Done during the Rhulk encounter, do not lose Leeching Force before the damage phase.
Destiny 2 King’s Fall Challenge This Week October 25 2022
This week’s Destiny 2 King’s Fall Challenge is Grass is Always Greener. This tricky challenge takes place in the Totems encounter at the beginning of the Raid and it sees our players not being able to make consecutive trips with the same brand. They’ll need to rotate between the left and right rooms in order to complete the challenge.
Accomplish this and you and your raid team will be rewarded with an additional raid chest that contains Hallowed loot and some high-stat armor. And if you’ve been keeping track, you should have your Gilded King’s Slayer Seal.
Destiny 2 Lost Sector Today October 25 2022 – October 31 2022
- October 25 – Scavenger’s Den (EDZ) – Exotic Gauntlets
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Arc
- October 26 – The Quarry (EDZ) – Exotic Chest Pieces
- Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable
- Burn: Void
- Shields: Solar, Void
- October 27 – Excavation Site XII (EDZ) – Exotic Helmets
- Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Arc
- October 28 – Concealed Void (Europa) – Exotic Leg Armor
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Solar, Void
- October 29 – Bunker E15 (Europa) – Exotic Gauntlets
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Void
- Shields: Void
- October 30 – Perdition (Europa) – Exotic Chest Pieces
- Champions: Barrier, Overload
- Burn: Arc
- Shields: Arc, Void
- October 31 – The Conflux (Nessus) – Exotic Helmets
- Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Void
Featured Potential rewards:
- Exotic Boots
- Hunter: Star-Eater Scales, Radiant Dance Machines
- Titan: The Path of Burning Steps
- Warlock: Rain of Fire, Secant Filaments, Boots of the Assembler
- Exotic Gauntlets
- Hunter: Caliban’s Hand, Renewal Grasps, Athrys’s Embrace
- Titan: Point-Contact Cannon Brace, Second Chance, Icefall Mantle, No Backup Plans
- Warlock: Necrotic Grip, Nothing Manacles
- Exotic Chest Pieces
- Hunter: Gryfalcon’s Hauberk, Omnioculus
- Titan: Hoarfrost-Z, Cuirass of the Falling Star
- Warlock: Mantle of Battle Harmony
- Exotic Helmets
- Hunter: Blight Ranger, Mask of Barkris
- Titan: Loreley Splendor, Precious Scars
- Warlock: Fall Sunstar, Dawn of Chorus
Do note that though they may be the featured Exotics, there is a chance you can still obtain other Exotics that are not in your collection. The featured set just means you have a higher chance of getting them, but it is never guaranteed.
Destiny 2 Dares of Eternity Rewards October 25 – October 31 2022
From the Destiny 2 30th Anniversary Pack activity, Dares of Eternity this week features returning weapons with updated power relevancies. This also includes the sought-after red border weapons that you can craft yourself.
The featured faction armor sets from the Destiny 2 base game and War Minds:
- BrayTech Suit
- Lost Pacific Suit
The featured weapons from the Season of Arrivals:
- First In, Last Out Shotgun
- Lonesome Sidearm
- Gnawing Hunger Auto Rifle
- Night Watch Scout Rifle
- Main Ingredient Fusion Rifle
- IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.2 Submachine Gun
- Long Shadow Sniper Rifle
- Steel Sybil Z-14 Sword
- Toil and Trouble Shotgun
- Last Perdition Pulse Rifle
- Wishbringer Shotgun
- Berenger’s Memory Grenade Launcher
- The Last Dance Sidearm
- IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 Sniper Rifle
Destiny 2 Eververse Store Offers October 25 2022 – October 31 2022
Now that we’ve sorted through this week’s activities, let’s head over to Tess and see what has on offer in exchange for Bright Dust. And for those of you who were brave enough to spend 6,000 Bright Dust on the seasonal event armor, (Guilty as charged!) let’s hope you’ve recovered enough to have a look at this week’s additions to the eververse store.
The Eververse Store for this week has:
- Hexing Shell Exotic Ghost Shell – 2850 Bright Dust
- Hazy Future Shell Exotic Ghost Shell – 2850 Bright Dust
- BOO Exotic Emote – 3250 Bright Dust
- The Desmodus Exotic Ship – 2000 Bright Dust
- Howling Projection Legendary Ghost Projection – 1500 Bright Dust
- Peaceful Rest Legendary Emote – 700 Bright Dust
- Murder of Crows Legendary Transmat Effect – 450 Bright Dust
- Reanimated Verve Legendary Shader – 300 Bright Dust
- It Was You Rare Emote – 400 Bright Dust
Featured Mask Ornament
- Spider Mask Legendary Mask Ornament – 1200 Bright Dust
- Wyrm Perilous Exotic (Parasite) Weapon Ornament – 1250 Bright Dust
Destiny 2 is out now on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, as well as on PC (via Steam). Season 17, 18, and 19 season passes are available for purchase on all available platforms in exchange for 1,000 Silver or $9.99.
Check out this video from Youtuber xHOUNDISHx where he also talks about the upcoming week’s activities for the tenth week of Destiny 2 Season 18.