Great Swords Are All Powerful in Monster Hunter Wilds

Fear the Mighty Great Sword

The Great Swords in Monster Hunter Wilds is All Power Featured Image

One of the best weapons that players use in Monster Hunter is the Great Sword. Known for its large melee damage, it has been considered a fan favorite among many MH gamers. In Monster Hunter Wilds, this weapon will become one of the best assets to have in exploring the wildlands.

Monster Hunter Wilds Great Sword Weapon Overview

The Great Sword is a weapon that is heavy to swing and move but has a powerful blow. It can handle any type of situation, from hit-and-run attacks to guarding any form of smashing. Players who use this weapon can use Focus Mode to target a monster’s wounds and weak points, making it easier not only to slay but gather specific parts.

Monster Hunter Wilds is expected to launch in 2025 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (via Steam). For more info about the game, check out their main website.
