Urahara Kisuke Casually Enters Bleach Rebirth of Souls

Awaken, Benihime!!

Urahara Kisuke Casually Enters Bleach Rebirth of Souls Featured Image

Another new character trailer has emerged for Bleach Rebirth of Souls. This time, it is one of the most uncanny fighters to be on the roster, but has an awesome ability to cleverly overpower his enemies, and that person is Urahara Kisuke.

Urahara Kisuke is an enigmatic master of Urahara’s Shop who stands freely at close quarters offensively and defensively with a fearless smile. Using a cunning mind and keen sense of oversight, he is a formidable fighter and is considered one of the most powerful fighters in Soul Society.

His Zanpakuto, Benihime will be fully awakened when backed into a corner. Doing so will enhance his regeneration of the Reverse Gauge, and increase opportunities to activate Flash steps and Reverse Actions.

Bleach Rebirth of Souls is set to be released soon on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (via Steam). For more info about the game check out their main website.
