Alan Wake 2 Behind The Scenes Video Introduces Saga Anderson

FBI agent gets introduced.

Remedy Entertainment recently released the new Alan Wake 2 Behind The Scenes video introducing Saga Anderson.

The latest trailer for Alan Wake 2 was recently revealed on the PlayStation Showcase finally revealing new details of the game. It includes a more extended look at Alan Wake’s rugged looks, new characters revealed, and more. It also confirmed that there are two protagonists in this new sequel, Alan Wake for the first and the second would be the FBI agent named Saga Anderson. This new video that Remedy released reveals more details about her.

Alan Wake 2 Introduces Saga Anderson

The new video reveals new details about the second main character of the game, Saga Anderson, an FBI agent. Principal Writer Clay Murphy said, “We have this theme of duality and echoes in Alan Wake 2 so we needed a counter-point, like another perspective, in the game that would play off of Alan’s as well as having a character located in the Pacific northwest so we could have both of those worlds present in the game and playable for the players.”

The Face and Voice of Saga Shares Statement

The face and voice of Anderson in Alan Wake 2 is Melanie Liburd who says this is her first time doing voicework and lending her appearance in a video game. She is a British actress who appeared in some TV shows in the past like This Is Us and Power. She says, “I’m excited for the world to see Saga because I think she’s a brilliant role model and just to see a woman in this role — a woman of colour being a protagonist in a game — we don’t see that often. And just to have a lifestyle that she has, doing her best to balance work and a family, I just think that’s really relatable to a lot of people.”

Alan Wake 2 launches on October 17, 2023 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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