Anthem Still Has Their Christmas Decorations Up

Ah, Anthem. The game that most of everybody universally hated. From the disappointing launch to loading screens galore, the game has basically become somewhat popular to make fun of. Needless to say, Anthem still has quite a long way to go if it wants to catch up. Right now, it doesn’t even seem like it wants to catch up. If you log-in the game, you’ll still see the Christmas decorations up and around. Which in the middle of February, isn’t a good sign.

And what is Bioware doing about this, you ask? Well, nothing. So far the developers have been silent about future plans and updates for Anthem. Which honestly seems like they’ve just given up on the game.

Players are eventually becoming more and more tired of Anthem as even Bioware isn’t interested in making it fun for everyone. This once promising looter shooter might as well be good as dead by now. As with any hope Bioware has with building the good rapport they once had with their consumers.

Source: PushSquare

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