Respawn Entertainment has recently announced Apex Legends Mobile Rhapsody as the new character for Season 2 and more content.
Apex Legends Mobile Rhapsody Arrives
The first new Legend to join Apex Legends Mobile roster was Fade, which made the mobile game unique compared to the original one. Now, a new season is dawning and it comes with tons of new content, which includes a new character that will also be exclusive to Apex Legends Mobile.
Rhapsody Abilities
A new launch trailer was recently released and it features the new Legend Rhapsody. The Distortion Launch Trailer features Rhapsody’s background and a preview of her potential abilities. Her skill set seems to be based on music and has some of Lifeline’s skill set. She has a helper drone just like Lifeline and has the ability to deploy a barricade similar to Newcastle’s ability. She can also buff her teammates by soundwaves, but there is no confirmation of what buff that will be.
Season 2 New Content Preview
Rhapsody joins the roster when the new Season arrives on July 12, 2022, which will now increase the playable characters up to 12. Aside from the new character, a new map will be added called Pythas Block 0. The trailer does not show what modes it will be available on though.

Apex Legends Mobile is now available on iOS, and Android.