Becoming is the fifth chapter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. After connecting with the Tarsyu Flower, Nor feels doubt and thinks that they have failed the Sarentu. The talk then gets cut short when an incident happens in the Resistance Research Stations where Alma was. Read ahead as we go through the events of Becoming in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and share some tips on how to complete the chapter.
See previous: Chapter 4 – Songs of the Ancestor
Talk to Priya
Travel back to the Resistance HQ and talk to Priya. She will tell you about the progress of the air quality ever since the drill site was taken down. You will also meet Anqa Salaam, one of the staff working in the HQ. Before leaving, Priya tells you that So’lek wants to talk to you down at Maintenance.
Additionally, you will receive the Clearing the Air Side quest or exploration after your conversation.
Talk to So’lek
Go to Maintenance and talk to So’lek. He will talk about the current situation of your alliance with the humans, but more importantly, he will give you your own Songcord along with the Songcord bead – Awakening.
Look for signs of Nor
Go over to the Research Area and take the exit to go outside. Nor is nowhere to be seen, but there are some clues that were left that could help find where he went.
Investigate outside the Research Area at Resistance HQ

First, investigate the burst vein pod, then link the clue to the tracks left on the ground.
Track Nor using your Na’vi Senses
After figuring out that Nor may have burst the pod, you’ll then use your senses to track down the pod’s scent trail. Follow the scent trail up the ledges.

The scent gets cut off by the river, so continue by going across the river and climbing up using the vine lift.
Find Nor
Follow the path to the left as it leads through a cave that ends with another lift vine. Continue climbing upwards while following the winding path. You can use the misty marker on your vision to get the direction of your objective. This marker will turn into a circle once you are looking directly at the general direction of your goal.

You’ll soon arrive at another water crossing that has a root going over it from the right. Climb the root and cross over to the left side to find a container that has the Weaver Strap chest guard mod.
Back on the root, do a Sprinting Charged Jump plus an air boost to clear the gap and reach the other side. Afterwards, take the long climb up the next set of vines and ledges and you will eventually encounter your first Ikran sighting. As you follow it, the Ikran flies away, but you then finally meet up again with Nor.
Nor ponders if his ancestors look down upon what they have turned into; however, you manage to tell him that both of you are still Sarentu.
Your conversation is cut short by an explosion coming from not too far away. Priya calls in, asking for help at one of the west camps. You then answer the call as Nor goes off to find the others. You will also get a skill point for completing this objective.
Help the Resistance
In this next objective, you will be racing against time as you only have 7 minutes to help the Resistance before the Resistance Research Station gets taken over by the RDA.
Jump from the cliff down to the river below, then head towards the source of the smoke. Be aware of the weather, as it will get stormy as you get closer to the research station. The storms will bring down lightning bolts, and if you step on a spot where lightning just hit, you will get charged up and be more likely to get hit by another bolt.
There will be RDA soldiers along your path, but since your time is limited, go around them instead and proceed to head to the research station.
Once you arrive at the research station, you will find Alma tending to the dead and wounded. Alma helps stabilize Hajir, while So’lek helps create a distraction for the RDA.
So’lek also hands you a Staff Sling, which you can use to throw traps at incoming enemies. So’lek also tells you to look for more ammo for the staff on the airlock roof.
Survive the RDA assault
As you prepare for the incoming enemies, check the chests around the station to find more ammo and the Guerilla Pouch waistcloth mod. It’s also best to position yourself up the station to get a higher vantage point; check the chest up the station to find the Guerilla Strap chest guard mod.
RDA choppers will then come flying down, unloading soldiers on the field. As they land, aim your sling in their direction while accounting for the arc, or simply look at the reticle and aim until it turns red. Swing your sling to throw an explosive to take out waves of soldiers right away, then use your bow to deal with the stragglers.
You can also pre-throw your explosives at landing points marked by yellow smoke, as they will get set off once the enemies get close.
Help Alma
After surviving waves of soldiers, Alma is still in need of help, as Hajir is still in a critical condition. You will need to get medical supplies, which are stashed in storage east of the research station.
Bring the medical supplies to Alma

Head towards the storage, but be careful as it is guarded by soldiers. Deal with them, then head into the storage and check the chest for the medical supplies. You will also get an AG-7201 Assault Rifle plus its barrel and magazine mods.
As you get out of the storage, an RDA chopper finds you. Luckily, another Na’vi riding an ikran swoops in to distract the chopper. Take this chance to get back to the research station to help out Alma and Hajir.
Back at the research station, more RDA soldiers have landed. You will need to clear them out first before you can open the airlock to get the supplies to Alma.
Once the coast is clear, go to the airlock. Alma stabilizes Hajir, and the Na’vi rider from earlier comes in to check up on you. She then recognizes that you are Sarentu, a clan that they thought died years ago. She later introduces herself as Etuwa from the Aranahe clan and offers to bring Hajir to their camp to heal up. Etuwa flies away with the wounded and tells you to visit her Hometree.
The chapter then ends, and you unlock the First Strike Body Paint as well as the Songcord Bead – A Warrior’s Birth. You also tell So’lek about Etuwa, bringing hope that they might be convinced to become allies now that they know that the Sarentu are still living.
See next: Chapter 6 – The Aranahe Clan