Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough: Last Strike

This guide goes through the events of Last Strike in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough Last Strike

Last Strike is the thirty-first and final chapter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. The final reckoning has come for the Resistance as they have to storm Mercer’s base and stop him from executing his plan to destroy a huge part of Pandora. Read ahead as we go through the events of Last Strike in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and share some tips on how to complete the chapter.

See previous: Chapter 30 – A Hidden Weakness

Journey to the Resistance Hideout

Fly back to Giant’s Bane and go inside the hideout.

Talk to Ri’nela at the holotable in the Command Center

Talk to Ri'nela at the holotable in the Command Center - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Go into the Command Center to meet up with Ri’nela. Before talking to her, the story will progress to the finale beyond this point, so take this time to prepare for the final encounter. You will also get a reminder as you are about to reach the command center.

Ri’nela talks about what they found from the data drive that Teylan gave you. It contains the constructions layouts of the RDA base which reveals that they have dug deep into the underground caves. She then suggests that you can use the caves to get inside the base as they bypass the base’s security.

After the talk, you will be given the Jackhammer Shotgun.

Locate the cave entrance beneath Mercer’s base

Locate the cave entrance beneath Mercer's base - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Fly over to the cave entrance which is north of Drill Base Omega in the Shadow Wood, south-southeast of the hideout.

Find a way through the caves into Drill Base Omega

Make your way through the cave system; the path is straightforward and will lead you to underwater tunnels and large caverns. Once you cross the large mushroom cavern, your path ahead will cave in. Turn around and swim through the other path.

polluted area of the cave system - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

You will eventually reach the polluted area of the cave system. Be wary of falling stones and top up your health when needed. Keep going through the polluted tunnels until you reach RDA’s operation.

Find a way to get the clans inside Mercer’s base

Find a way to get the clans inside Mercer's base - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Once you’re at the drill site, make your way deeper into the facility; you can either engage with the soldiers or sneak past them. Climb up the stairs to reach the door leading to Maintenance.

hack the terminal - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Inside Maintenance, you can hack the terminal to get the lights on. Then, shoot the lock on the door to get to the next section.

Go down into the maintenance trench and shoot down the red panels along the way to shut down the power and make the floor safe for you to cross.

storage area - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Climb out of the other side of the trench to arrive at a storage area. Look for a stack of yellow and green containers and use them to climb up and get past the closed gate.

loading area - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Once you get to the loading area, prepare for an ambush.

Defeat the RDA ambush

Defeat the RDA ambush - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

The loading area will be flooded with AMPs to ambush you. Use the pillars and trucks as cover, and shoot the barrels of fuel to take down any nearby AMPs quickly.

After defeating the first wave of AMPs, a next wave will come in, but they will get wiped out almost immediately by someone.

Find out who is in the control room above

Find out who is in the control room above - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Head towards the next gate and climb up to find Teylan in the next room. He reveals that he was the one who disabled the AMPs. You convince him to join you in the fight, but he refuses and wants to stay within the control room and instead offer his help by guiding you through the facility.

Find the drill charge

Find the drill charge - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Proceed to the next door where you will find a container that has the Guerilla Shorts. Then continue going through the ventilation corridors, doors, and vents. Teylan will tell you that the Kame’tire are just at the gatehouse and they need help in getting in.

Let the Kame’tire into the base

Let the Kame'tire into the base - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

At the end of the vent path are two soldiers; ambush both of them then break the red panel to get into the gatehouse.

meet up with Anufi and the Kame'tire warriors - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

You will then meet up with Anufi and the Kame’tire warriors who are the first to arrive in the base. Teylan tells you that the turret control room is across the compound inside the Sec-Ops building.

open the gate for the Kame'tire - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

After the talk, head over to the terminal to open the gate for the Kame’tire. They then storm the inside of the base and take on the RDA soldiers.

Reach the Armor Bay

Reach the Armor Bay - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Run through the crossfire and head towards the Armor Bay.

Let the Zeswa into the base

As you explore the outer bay, Teylan manages to tap into the RDA’s comms and hear the conversation between General Ardmore and Harding where the latter orders Harding to retreat.

Let the Zeswa into the base - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

The first step to help the Zeswa get in is to destroy the 8 computers in the turret control room. Hack into the door to get into the next section which is heavily guarded.

disable the unmanned AMP suits - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

You have the option to disable the unmanned AMP suits as an optional objective, or sneak past the patrols to get to the other side of the room. If you get detected, the AMP pilots will rush into the suits to hunt you down.

Get to the next gate and destroy its lock to proceed to the control room. Take out all of the soldiers inside, then destroy all of the computers.

Teylan reports that the Zeswa has managed to get closer into the base. You will need to help them get further in by going into the bridge control room and give them a path. Proceed into the maintenance room and then jump into one of the open floor vents. Make your way through the vent and back into the corridors to make it outside the building.

Sabotage the power panel - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Next, head to the bridge control room and get inside the building by climbing the side of the wall using the lifts. Sabotage the power panel of the door to get inside the control room, then eliminate all of the soldiers inside.

Hack into the terminal - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Hack into the terminal to lower the bridge and help the Zeswa get across. Shortly after, a chopper discovers that you are in a control room and fires a missile in your direction. The explosion knocks you out, but you will survive it.

Disable the anti-air guns so the Aranahe can attack

Teylan reports that the Aranahe are prepared to storm the base, but they need help to get through the anti-air turrets.

First, get to the antenna that controls the anti-air turrets and shut it down by pulling the lever on its base.

wait for Teylan to get access to the anti-air system - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Next, wait for Teylan to get access to the anti-air system. Try to survive a minute while more RDA troops arrive at the antenna station.

Once Teylan is done, locate the antenna’s fuse box and destroy it. Time your shot for when the protective lid of the fuse box opens up.

Next, you will have to stall one more as Teylan accesses the antenna’s reserve power. Reinforcements will be flown into the site, so try to clear them or try not get yourself cornered.

After Teylan is done, go to the other side of the antenna to destroy the back-up fuse box. Clear out any remaining soldier right after to secure the antenna.

Locate the computer terminal  - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Locate the computer terminal nearby and hack it to finally disable the anti-air turrets.

Race Mercer to the drill charge

After seeing Harding pull out her troops, Mercer is now heading towards the drill charge control room.

Race Mercer to the drill charge - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Go to Exit 02 to get back inside the facility and proceed to the Distillation Unit B. Along the way, you’ll encounter more soldiers who patrol the path to the control room; take them out or sneak past them.

Hug the path to the right and you will find a pipe that you can climb to reach the upper floors.

gantry room - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

You will eventually arrive at the gantry room where the drill charge is getting ready to be loaded. Follow the drill charge as it moves while taking out the soldiers along the way.

Mercer behind an bulletproof glass - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

At the opposite side the path, take the vents and continue up ahead where you’ll see Mercer behind an bulletproof glass.

Get to the underground firing chamber

Get to the underground firing chamber - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

After Mercer leaves, continue through the door on the left and make your way down to the underground firing chamber. Then follow the winding path through the vents and backrooms until you reach the door leading to the firing chamber.

Enter the firing chamber and prevent the launch

Break the lock on the door and get in. Take the time to resupply in the next room, then proceed to the firing chamber.

Enter the firing chamber and prevent the launch - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Once again, the place around the drill is heavily guarded, so it’s recommended to clear them out first. Your next objective is to destroy 2 fuel ports on the drill.

To destroy the ports, shoot at the tank on the robot arms first to make them go away from the ports. Next, shoot at the exposed port to destroy it. Reinforcements will come in after the first port is broken, so take care of them first, then do the same for the second fuel port. Make sure to be quick as there’s only a short time before the drill charge gets filled with fuel.

Defeat Mercer’s personal guard

Defeat Mercer's personal guard - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

After disabling the drill from lowering down, Mercer still would not give up and plans to detonate the charge regardless. He also sends out his personal guard to stop you.

Mercer’s personal guard is a tough AMP and it can also deal significant damage. Use your traps and lay them on the ground, and look for rocket launchers in the chests nearby. The rockets will deal a good amount of damage on its weak spots and are more effective than your ammo.

Escape the firing chamber

Escape the firing chamber - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

After defeating the personal guard, you need to make your escape from the firing chamber before the charge detonates. You also make sure that Ri’nela warns the rest of the Resistance to fall back to escape the explosion.

Since the charge can no longer be stopped, Teylan suggests to bring the drill charge back up to the base and let the explosion destroy the base instead.

Raise the drill charge before it detonates

Raise the drill charge before it detonates - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Make your way through the rubble and vents to get to the drill control room. Once in the room, hack into the terminal to make the drill raise the charge above ground.

charge getting raised - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

As the charge is getting raised, Teylan calls you and decides to stay and sacrifice himself to stall Mercer. You decide to bring Teylan with you out of the base regardless.

Get to Teylan before the drill charge detonates

Continue to the next door and go through the path ahead. Look for red panels to destroy to cut off the electricity blocking your path.

Mercer and Teylan - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Eventually, you will reach the room where Mercer and Teylan are at. Mercer manages to grab you with a robot arm. As he berates you for what you have become, you plead to Teylan to join you in escaping.

Teylan gets on the arm controls - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Teylan then gets on the arm controls, releases you from its clutch, and pins Mercer to the wall instead. Before leaving, you take back your Songcord from Mercer and bring Teylan with you to make your escape.

escape chopper - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

Teylan manages to get to an escape chopper, but just as you make your jump, an explosion staggers you from jumping. You manage to call your ikran in time and fly away from the base and to the rendezvous point.

Teylan and the rest of the surviving Resistance - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

You then meet up with Teylan and the rest of the surviving Resistance members at a nearby safe area. The base then explodes, taking Mercer with it, while the Na’vi and the Resistance rejoice for their victory.

you, Ri'nela, and Teylan meeting up with Alma once again - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Last Strike Walkthrough

The scene then shifts with you, Ri’nela, and Teylan meeting up with Alma once again. She asks what your next plan will be, but Ri’nela and Teylan express that they want to follow their own path without Alma as they try to rebuild the Sarentu clan with you. Alma respects your decision as you three set off to your next destination.

Congratulations! You have completed Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. You will be rewarded with the Our Reclamation achievement, So’lek’s Merciless Longbow, a new Ikran Pattern, some Clan Favor, 3 skill points, and the Songcord Bead – Our Reclamation. You can then continue playing and exploring the other parts of the land that you have yet to explore, complete community quests from the clans, and clear out any remaining RDA sites. You may also want to partake in searching the comic book pages that are hidden in certain parts of the land.

Staff Writer