Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough: A Distant Storm

This guide goes through the events of A Distant Storm in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Walkthrough A Distant Storm

A Distant Storm is the twenty-eighth chapter in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. As the Resistance plans out their next move, the RDA continues to expand their operation, causing massive destruction to a very important landmark for the Na’vi. Read ahead as we go through the events of A Distant Storm in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and share some tips on how to complete the chapter.

See previous: Chapter 27 – Revelations

Meet Anqa under the Celebration Arches in the Upper Plains

Fly over to the Celebration Arches and head to the second intact arch near the falls.

Talk to Anqa

Talk to Anqa - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Anqa points over the giant drill that the RDA has built in their largest facility. This drill poses the worst threat to Pandora, but Anqa says that they have yet to get close to it. Just then, a large explosion happens, causing the arches to collapse.

Look for survivors in the rubble

The massive rubble from the arches have fallen down on the plains where some Zeswa have been hunting. Use your sense and go through the rubble to look for any survivors. However, a lot of Zeswa have died from the destruction and you only find one survivor in the rubble.

Get to Drill Platform Alpha

Get to Drill Platform Alpha - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Continue down the path as you make your way to Drill Platform Alpha which was the facility that caused the destruction.

climb your way up to the hole - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Along the way, your path will be blocked off by a cave in, so climb your way up to the hole and you will be able to get closer to the drill. According to Priya, you will need to cut the control wires to get to the drill-core that has to be destroyed.

Destroy the control wires on the drill

Destroy the control wires on the drill - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

This mobile facility is guarded by soldiers in most of its levels, so proceed with caution. To start, use the lift tools to get to the higher platforms.

Destroy control wires - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

The first control wires are located at the second upper deck. Find the machine with your sense and sabotage it.

Destroy control wires - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

The second control wires are located in the east corner of the outdoor deck.

Destroy the control fuse on the drill

After sabotaging all control wires, follow the green cable coming from the machine and it will lead you to the control fuse located in the middle section, close to the drill. Shoot at its panel to destroy it.

Shoot the exposed drill core

Shoot the exposed drill core - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Pay attention to the drill as its vents on its body will open up in intervals, exposing the core inside it. Wait for a vent to open up, then shoot at the drill core until it gets destroyed.

Go to the control center

Go to the control center - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Once the drill has been shut down, Priya asks you to get more data off of the RDA to figure out what Mercer’s next move is. Go to northwest from your current location to find the control center of the drill.

Find the main terminal

Find the main terminal - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Infiltrate the control center and go to the upper deck to find the main terminal. It is currently turned off, so you will need to get it back on.

Turn on the computer

Use your SID and follow the cables leading out the computer to find the generator and the junction boxes.

The generator is on the supply pad on the ground floor. Tune the node on the generator to turn it on.

find the generator and the junction boxes - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Next, go up the control room to find the two junction boxes below its floor. Tune both of them so that the signal gets routed to the computer. Once done, go to the computer and tune it. Now that you have control over the drill, you can put it to good use.

Activate the south probe

Activate the south probe - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Use your sense and look to the south to find the location of the first probe. Make your way over to the probe and hack it.

Activate the east probe

Activate the east probe - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Now head east and follow the marker of the next probe. Be careful as there will be RDA reinforcements deployed along the path to the next probe. Additionally, the probe is also heavily patrolled by soldiers. Take them out first to make the hacking easier.

Start the download at the control center

Go back to the control center to use the hacked probes in order to download Mercer’s plans. Before you proceed with the hack, Priya suggests that you prepare for RDA reinforcements. Clear out the remaining patrol, then set up your traps around the control center.

Wait until the download is complete / Defend the terminal

Wait until the download is complete - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Once the download has started, RDA troops will be flown in to take back the control center. You will need to defend the control center for 4 minutes to give time for the download to finish.

Return to Anqa at the Celebration Arches

Return to Anqa at the Celebration Arches - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora A Distant Storm Walkthrough

Meet with Anqa again and give her the data you collected so that she can get it to Priya. After a short talk, the chapter concludes, rewarding you with some Clan Favor and 2 skill points. You will also get the Songcord Bead – Arches’ Fall.

See next: Chapter 29 – Rising Pressure

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