Beyond Good and Evil 2 Development Still Ongoing Assures Ubisoft

What a long wait and it is still ongoing.

A new statement has assured fans that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still ongoing.

Ubisoft has recently shared a statement with media outlet Eurogamer revealing the current state of Beyond Good and Evil 2. “Beyond Good and Evil 2’s development is underway and the team is hard at work to deliver on its ambitious promise,” said the spokesperson.

While that statement is reassuring for fans all over the world, that one sentence has not shared any other details aside from the continuing development of the upcoming sequel. No release dates, no possible upcoming gameplay video releases, no plans for announcing any milestones in development, or any other teaser videos aside from the ones shown a few years ago.

Fans were very nervous about the current state of Beyond Good and Evil 2 as Ubisoft confirmed in a press release they announced a few days ago. It stated that they canceled three unannounced titles due to certain financial circumstances. Another title, Skull and Bones, just got delayed for the sixth time, making everyone more nervous.

Many despaired that one of those titles could have been Beyond Good and Evil 2 since there have been no updates from the developers ever since 2020 when Game Creator Michel Ancel left the company. It has been two and a half years later, Ubisoft was silent about this title, until now.

The crew is still waiting. It’s already 2 and a half years.

Despite the assurance from Ubisoft, will this statement make you, as a fan, confident of a future release? Or are you going to move on to other titles after this vague confirmation?

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in development and will be available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Former News Editor