Can you teleport in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?

Teleporting around would definitely be a useful way to fast travel in Tears of the Kingdom. Find out if you can and how you can do it.

An interesting way to move around in the open world would be to teleport in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to get to unreachable areas. With so many ways to move around via mountable horses, paragliders, and building your own contraption, teleporting doesn’t seem like too far of a stretch for the latest Legend of Zelda game.

Can you teleport in Tears of the Kingdom?

Yes, you can teleport in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom by using Travel Medallions to instantly move to a specific location on the map. You’d first have to set down the medallion in an area you plan to teleport to before he can actually teleport.

This means that you have to have visited the area you want to teleport to at least once. Then, when you’re there, choose a place to set down the Travel Medallion, which will register your current location as a travel gate. This will allow you to teleport to that location at any time, making for custom fast travel.

The catch to this is that there are only three Travel Medallions in the entire Tears of the Kingdom, making them a very scarce resource. You can get the first medallion by talking to Robbie and getting the Presenting: The Travel Medallion! side quest. This side quest will only be available once you finish the Hateno Village Research Lab side quest. The other two Travel Medallions can be acquired after finding 15 regions in the surface world.

You can take any Travel Medallions you’ve used back into your inventory by selecting the medallion itself and then choosing the Collect Medallion option. This makes them reusable, but you’d have to set them back in place. They can be useful for reaching the higher areas on the map if you plan to go back to them.

Travel Medallion teleport in Tears of the Kingdom

That’s all about teleporting in Tears of the Kingdom. Given the size of the map and the variety of gameplay features, this is simply one of several options for fast travel in the game. Check out our guide that explains how to unlock every fast travel mechanic in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

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