The Tiger Shark Tooth is an uncommon material that can be obtained from a Tiger Shark in Dave the Diver. It is used for some weapon upgrades as well as being a key item for a particular submission. Read ahead as we share some tips on how to get the Tiger Shark Tooth in Dave the Diver.
How to Get Tiger Shark Tooth
The best way to get a Tiger Shark Tooth is to hunt down a Tiger Shark which commonly spawns on the west side of the Blue Hole Medium Depth, between 50m and 130m. It can be encountered early on in the game near the submerged delivery boat where the Giant Squid boss could be fought.

Tiger Sharks only spawn once per dive, so you can spot 2-3 sharks per day. It is best to maximize your shark hunts if you’re gunning to get the Tiger Shark Tooth as they have a low drop rate.
Tiger Sharks usually have a significant amount of health, but it is one of the easiest sharks to hunt in the early game due to their movement pattern. These sharks charge straight, so swimming away perpendicularly from their swim path is enough to dodge their attack. Avoid getting too close to them as their size and speed could still hit you. After evading, there’s enough time for a counter attack or two with a harpoon or a gun.
Tiger Shark Tooth Uses

The Tiger Shark Tooth is a key item for the A Nutritious Food for Sea People? sub mission where Otto needs a tooth to create Crab Traps.
The Tiger Shark Tooth is also a material needed to upgrade the following weapons:
- Flame Rifle I > Flame Rifle II – requires x3 Tiger Shark Tooth
- Flame Sniper Rifle I > Flame Sniper Rifle II – requires x3 Tiger Shark Tooth