This is your Destiny 2 Weekly Reset for December 13 2022. The Dawning 2022 is nearly here and while we don’t the specifics just yet, we can expect a new event card and title to earn. Above all else, however, we can expect to deliver cookies to more characters who were not present last year.
Destiny 2 Update
Destiny 2 Update is set to go live this week. We will update this article once we know what the details are. We are hoping that they will address certain issues like broken mods and Rose not dropping after competitive placements.
- Fixed an issue where the Lightning Surge Warlock melee ability was not correctly triggering the effects of the Felwinter’s Helm Exotic helmet.
- Reworked the activation triggers and effects of the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk Exotic chest. The new functionality is:
- When you emerge form invisibility, your Void weapons gain Volatile Rounds for a short time.
- When you perform a finisher on an enemy while you are invisible, you gain a temporary bonus to weapon damage and a reserve overshield for you and nearby allies.
- Fixed an issue where hip-fire reticles were missing on Slug Shotguns
- Pugilist, Demolitionist, and Wellspring now properly grant ability energy even when the ability is overridden. For example, melee abilities will now get energy from Wellspring when holding a Sword or Glaive
- Fixed an issue where the Encore perk icon was showing when the weapon was stowed
- Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Chain Reaction didn’t show that Swords receive improved guard endurance
- Fixed an issue where Icarus Grip and Air Assault wouldn’t show the weapons improved Airborne Effectiveness value
- Void Invisibility:
- While reversible, your maximum radar range is now capped at 24 meters.
Triumphs, Title, and Seasonal Challenges
- Reduced the number of Triumphs required for the “Seraph” title from 10 to 9. Reduced the completion requirements by 50% for the Precision Loadout Seasonal Challenge
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect Season was shown on the archive carousel
Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph Week 1 Recap
This week’s story in Destiny 2, we’ll see the continuation of the 54-step ‘More Than a Weapon’ quest.
Osiris and Anna Bray are hard at work restoring the Warmind AI, Rasputin. They have hit a wall, figuratively speaking, and must seek out the aid of the only person that knows Golden Age tech – Clovis Bray. But before they even get close to Europa, Hive forces led by Xivu Arath.
After breaking through the siege and convincing Bray that it is in his best interest to join forces with the guardians, the unlikely team returns back to the H.E.L.M. to talk next steps.

Their first goal now is to awaken the subminds that support Rasputin. The enemy knows this too. A transmission from Mara Sov informed the Guardian that the enemy plans to invade our space and is sending in advance forces to the Moon and Europa to secure the subminds.
As the dust settles in this first part of the attack, Ana and the Guardians are thinking that Xivu Arath’s play is to fully disable the Warsat network. Even worse, if they want, they can use it to destroy Earth once and for all.
This week’s story segment ends with Clovis Bray looking for another submind to activate.
Destiny Weekly Reset Time
As always, the Destiny 2 weekly reset times are 10 AM PDT for the folks on the West Coast of the US. 6 AM BST for our readers in Britain. And 2 AM JST the following day for everyone in Japan. (+1 hour for daylight savings).
Destiny 2 Weekly Activities December 13 – December 19 2022 Overview
Since we do not know what the rotation looks like at the moment, we will be updating this article as soon as we get an update. That includes what the Nightfall Weapon for the week is, the Lost Sectors for the week, and the Dares of Eternity rotation.
Apart from the seasonal event, Guardian can take this week to earn bonus ranks in the Gambit ritual activity.
Destiny 2 Weekly Challenges December 13 2022
More Than a Weapon II – More Than a Weapon Week 2 completed
Heist Battlegrounds II – In the Heist Battlegrounds playlist, complete heists and defeat Deathtongue Choristers.
Fire in the Void – Defeat combatants with Void or Solar damage in Heist Battlegrounds.
Umbral Focusing I – Focus a Season of the Seraph engram at the Exo Frame in the H.E.L.M.
Cosmodrome Activities – In the Cosmodrome, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.
Lost in the Legend – Complete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher.
Mid-range Calibration – Calibrate mid-range weapons – Hand Cannons, Glaives, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, Machine Guns – in the Cosmodrome. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.
Bank, Kill, Repeat – Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit.
Freezing Void – Defeat Guardians. Bonus progress is granted for opponents defeated with Void or Stasis effects.
The Fallen Fall – Defeat Fallen combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.
Destiny 2 Nightfall This Week December 13 – December 19 2022
This week, the Guardians will be going to the Moon to stop the Hive’s ritual in the Scarlet Keep Nightfall. At least we won’t be going down the Pit of Heresy… yet.
Nightfall weapon this week
Note: We do not have the rotation for the Nightfall weapons yet. We will update this article once we have that information.
Destiny 2 Crucible Featured Game Mode December 13 2022
Lord Shaxx has seen fit to return Mayhem to the Crucible. It will be part of the rotation of activities with a chance of it appearing for Guardians in the queue.
Destiny 2 Featured Raid and Dungeon December 13 – December 19 2022
We remain on the Moon as this week’s featured raid is going to be the Garden of Salvation. And alongside the raid, the Pit of Heresy is this week’s featured dungeon. There’s no escaping it, we’ll be seeing a lot of the Scarlet Keep this week.
And as usual, completing these featured content will reward you with pinnacle gear.
Garden of Salvation Raid Challenges
Zero to One Hundred – Done during the Sanctified Mind (4th encounter), Once you deposit motes, you have 10 seconds to fully fill the bank. This applies to both banks.
To the Top – Done during the Consecrated Mind (3rd encounter), it requires the player to deposit 10 motes at a time.
A Link to the Chain – Done during the Draw Out the Consecrated Mind Encounter (2nd Encounter), all six fire team members must replenish enlightenment at the same time. Three pairs of 2 also work too, apparently.
Staying Alive – During the first encounter, do not kill any of the Cyclops in the room where the Consecrated Mind is depositing Voltaic Overflow charges.
Destiny 2 King’s Fall Challenge This Week December 13 2022
For the second week of the Season of the Seraph, this week King’s Fall Challenge is going to be Gaze Amaze. Done during the Gorgoroth encounter, this challenge will require the gaze holder to stand in the pool of Reclaimed Light when swapping the gaze to another member of the party. This is one of the more straightforward challenges throughout the raid.
Accomplish this and you and your raid team will be rewarded with an additional raid chest that contains Hallowed loot and some high-stat armor. And if you’ve been keeping track, you should have your Gilded King’s Slayer Seal.
Destiny 2 Lost Sector Today December 13 – December 19 2022
Note: We do not know yet what the rotation will look like in Season 19. We will update the list as often as we can until the whole rotation is set for the season.
- December 13 – Sepulcher (Savathun’s Throne World) – Exotic Gauntlets
- Champions: Barrier, Unstoppable
- Burn: Solar
- Shields: Arc, Solar
- December 14 – UNKNOWN
- Champions:
- Burn:
- Shields:
- December 15 – UNKNOWN
- Champions:
- Burn:
- Shields:
- December 16 – UNKNOWN
- Champions:
- Burn:
- Shields:
- December 17 – UNKNOWN
- Champions:
- Burn:
- Shields:
- December 18 – UNKNOWN
- Champions:
- Burn:
- Shields:
- December 19 – UNKNOWN
- Champions:
- Burn:
- Shields:
Featured Potential rewards:
- Exotic Boots
- Hunter: Star-Eater Scales, Radiant Dance Machines
- Titan: The Path of Burning Steps
- Warlock: Rain of Fire, Secant Filaments, Boots of the Assembler
- Exotic Gauntlets
- Hunter: Caliban’s Hand, Renewal Grasps, Athrys’s Embrace
- Titan: Point-Contact Cannon Brace, Second Chance, Icefall Mantle, No Backup Plans
- Warlock: Necrotic Grip, Nothing Manacles, Osmiomancy Gloves
- Exotic Chest Pieces
- Hunter: Gryfalcon’s Hauberk, Omnioculus
- Titan: Hoarfrost-Z, Cuirass of the Falling Star
- Warlock: Mantle of Battle Harmony
- Exotic Helmets
- Hunter: Blight Ranger, Mask of Barkris
- Titan: Loreley Splendor Helm, Precious Scars
- Warlock: Fall Sunstar, Dawn Chorus
Do note that though they may be the featured Exotics, there is a chance you can still obtain other Exotics that are not in your collection. The featured set just means you have a higher chance of getting them, but it is never guaranteed.
Note: No Destiny 2 Dare of Eternity section to feature for a bit. It will take a couple of weeks until the rotation is fully known. Until that time, we will put this section on pause.
Destiny 2 Eververse This Week December 13 2022 – December 19 2022
Now that we’ve sorted through this week’s activities, let’s head over to Tess and see what has on offer in exchange for Bright Dust.
The Eververse Store for this week has:
- Snowball Fight Exotic Emote – 3250 Bright Dust
- Festive Shell Exotic Ghost Shell – 2850 Bright Dust
- The Mirthmobile Exotic Vehicle – 2500 Bright Dust
- Seirios Majoris Exotic Ship – 2000 Bright Dust
- Solo Fist Bump Legendary Emote – 700 Bright Dust
- Snowy Entrance Legendary Transmat Effect – 450 Bright Dust
- Beneficence Legendary Shader – 300 Bright Dust
- Ho Ho Hum Legendary Emote – 700 Bright Dust
- Snowshoes Legendary Emote – 700 Bright Dust
- Sweet Entrance Legendary Transmat Effect – 450 Bright Dust
Exotic Weapon Ornament
- Compliance Exotic (Anarchy) Weapon Ornament – 1250 Bright Dust
Destiny 2 is out now on PlayStation and Xbox consoles and on PC (via Steam). Season 17, 18, and 19 season passes are available for purchase on all available platforms in exchange for 1,000 Silver or $9.99.
Check out this video from Youtuber xHoundishx where he talks about the upcoming week’s activities for the second week of Destiny 2 Season 19.