Devolver Digital Joins Band of Publishers Not Joining E3 This Year

More and more leave E3 2023.

Publisher Devolver Digital is now joining the other companies who are not attending the upcoming E3 2023 event.

The first ones to announce their absence from the upcoming E3 2023 showcase were Xbox and Nintendo. While PlayStation has not made it official, it is clear that it will announce that it is not joining as well. Then, Ubisoft committed at first that it will join the event this coming June 2023, but at the last moment, the executives changed their minds and backed out. Following them after a few hours after Ubisoft’s announcement was SEGA and Tencent. Now, another publisher has revealed its absence.

Devolver Digital, known for publishing indie games, has now announced that it has “no Devolver E3 Parking Lot this year” in a joking way on its official Twitter account, but it was clear that it will not make an appearance on E3 2023. However, it will be having a new Devolver Direct presentation during Summer Game Fest happening this year.

Sure, there are still many developers and publishers left that could join E3 2023, but these announcements of big companies not joining this year’s E3 are quite concerning. Which company will announce of its absence next? Who knows, but it is not looking good for the guys handling the upcoming event.

Former News Editor